Hey nikki. Have you seen DONROONEYS project "KILLER" That she claimed to draw? She is a liar and i have proof! http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.barkbusters.com/repository/Agg%2520dog%2520sketch%2520inv.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.barkbusters.com/page.cfm/ID/270/BodyLanguage&usg=__KiCndiPoagS_hFl4IfPYYQZ-YvI=&h=435&w=368&sz=19&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=4Nys2g1jo9njvM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=107&prev=/images%3Fq%3DAngry%2Bdog%2Bsketch%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den-us%26um%3D1 Go to the project then here or viceversa
RobotKitty wrote:
Hey nikki. Have you seen DONROONEYS project "KILLER" That she claimed to draw? She is a liar and i have proof! http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.barkbusters.com/repository/Agg%2520dog%2520sketch%2520inv.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.barkbusters.com/page.cfm/ID/270/BodyLanguage&usg=__KiCndiPoagS_hFl4IfPYYQZ-YvI=&h=435&w=368&sz=19&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=4Nys2g1jo9njvM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=107&prev=/images%3Fq%3DAngry%2Bdog%2Bsketch%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den-us%26um%3D1 Go to the project then here or viceversa
what a tool XD
Nikki Robot kittys going home I'd RP but my mom- rats tommorow morning I guess. Later than usual again parent rules. Robotkitty will RP on his computer in like 10 minutes
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-08-23 00:53:15)
sure ^^ it's not a chicken egg, it's a pygmy dragon egg. I thought it was a chicken egg too, but then I looked at the parents and they were little tiny dragons XD
Crystal stood up and brushed the dirt off of her pants. "Well whatever we decide to do, we should do our best not to attract anymore attention," she glared at duncan. Duncan rolled his eyes.
Oh, they look like the chicken eggs on the Wiki...
"Yeah, maybe next time Duncan should turn into a gold fish and flop around on the ground, I could start fkying around, and you could go werewolf." Shade said sarcastically.
Duncan glared. "Maybe I'll just turn into a bear and claw your face off," He said angerly. "And maybe we could just get along for once," Crystal sighed. " Duncan folded his arms in agervasion. He shifted into a snake and slithered into the shadows to hide. "Drama queen," Crystal murmured.
"Well..." Crystal peered off the edge of the building. (They're still on that building they flew onto after the scene at the resteraunt, right?) the crowd of people who had come to see the freaks at the resteraunt were gone, even the news crew. "I don't think we'll have to leave anytime soon." she said.
Duncan turned into a human, coming back into view. "Oh no you don't, I'm coming with you!" He said hastily, and turned into a hummingbird. He sped off after Shade, catching up with him.
"Where are you going? maybe I can help," Duncan chirped. "Besides, what if you get caught? I might have to bail you out." he laughed.
Duncan went back to the buildimg, and turned human. Crystal was sleeping, so he decided to catch some Z's himself.
Ugh... Annoying sister was on when i got home. For like half a hour D:
Hmm... Things will change once i get my DSi >.<
Yeah i saw your stickman one.
The city is at war ( ( ( d-_-b ) ) )