I Think There Should Be A Version Of Scratch Where There Are Little Parts That CanBe Built Into A Robot, Then Connected To The Computer. The Scripts Can Make The Robot Do Stuff, And When Uploaded, The Robot Is Just Programmed Into The Computer With All Outside Looks, And Same Scripts. Don't Worry, Robots Will Never Destroy The World.
sounds sort of like Lego Mindstorm... Hmmm.
What I miss most in Scratch is the ability to build 'virtual robots' out of your own predefined 'parts': I'd really like to be able to create something like generic 'sensor', 'mover' and 'expressor' sprites, and then assemble them into more complex 'robot' style projects.
Sounds good.
But PLEASE I want alpha!
I mean, I NEED alpha!
Hi MyRedNeptune,
I seem to have missed something: What exactly are you referring to by 'alpha', i.e. what is it you're missing? Is 'alpha' some kind of feature (as in versioning control), a greek character (like beta and gamma) or a sports car brand (as in alpha romeo)?
I think he means pixel-by-pixel variable transparency in painting the sprites.
Aha, well that would indeed be nice to have... but it just might make Scratch a lot more complex to use, especially for beginners. Can't you just edit your images in an outside application that supports fancy masking, and drag them back into Scratch when you're done?
You can make a fancy image with variable transparency in an outside application, but scratch will throw the extra info away, as it has a strictly binary model of transparency in its representation of costumes---like in GIF, there is one color that is "transparent" and all others are opaque. The ghost effect makes the normally opaque pixels partially transparent, but you can't represent that as part of the costume.
blueblue wrote:
I Think There Should Be A Version Of Scratch Where There Are Little Parts That CanBe Built Into A Robot, Then Connected To The Computer. The Scripts Can Make The Robot Do Stuff, And When Uploaded, The Robot Is Just Programmed Into The Computer With All Outside Looks, And Same Scripts. Don't Worry, Robots Will Never Destroy The World.
Acutally, there is. It is called The Lego WeDo
Heres a link: http://info.scratch.mit.edu/WeDo
^ the ULTIMATE necropost.
Would a moderator please close this? It's really old.
AIOS wrote:
blueblue wrote:
I Think There Should Be A Version Of Scratch Where There Are Little Parts That CanBe Built Into A Robot, Then Connected To The Computer. The Scripts Can Make The Robot Do Stuff, And When Uploaded, The Robot Is Just Programmed Into The Computer With All Outside Looks, And Same Scripts. Don't Worry, Robots Will Never Destroy The World.
Acutally, there is. It is called The Lego WeDo
Heres a link: http://info.scratch.mit.edu/WeDo
You probably didn't notice, but this topic is extremely old. Scratch didn't have WeDo support when it was posted.
AIOS wrote:
Oh, im sorry. I had thought that if it was too old, the topic would have been closed, and because there is no way of knowing when a certain topic was posted, i had no idea.
For some forums, the topics get closed after a few weeks, but, in other cases, it remains open.
There's actually a way to determine when a topic was posted - just look at the date of the last post (which, when you posted for the first time, would have shown that the last post was in 2007).
Now that being said, I think anybody who wants to talk about robots can probably start over a topic in the sensor Board or Advanced topic section (whichever is more appropriate), and I'll just go ahead and close down this one since it's outdated. ^^