Tigerfang followed Whitecloud's voice. He found her and gasped in shock- She was so thin. So frail. So breakable. He sat down beside her. "Whitecloud...Why did you do this to yourself?" he whispered. He curled around her in an attempt to make her warm, but he knew no heat was coming off of him. He rasped his tongue over her ear affectionatly. "I did some thinking...And...I was wrong all this time. I always knew I loved you, but I didn't think I was IN LOVE with you. But now I know I am. And I just hope it isn't too late..." He sighed.
"its only a broken leg, i can mend those easy. But it may delay your ceremony." she warned."You will have to sleep here." she said.
racoonkit loudly mewed from the medicine cat den. "SABREKIT!!!"
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Wolf_warrior/689004 i remixed
whitecloud's dull eyes stared into his. ''tigerfang...'' it was obvious that she thought that this was all an ilusion. tears poured from her eyes and she buried her face in his fur. ''i didn't know that this was happening...i thought...i don't know...i just...'' she sniffled. ''i don't know...i just...thank you for coming back...now i can join starclan happily!'' she purred. she still thought that this was an illusion. (omg...i'm really crying...wow...i REALLY have 2 stop getting so attached 2 mah charriez)
On Winterkit's arrival Monarchkit stopped and flashed a smile at Winterkit. Monarchkit had stopped, Leaving a big red target on his back, The Butterflies Zeroed in and dove for his back "Wrah" Monarchkit sighed on the impact of the Butterflies. Monarchkit had a whole mating ground on his back.
Last edited by RobotKitty (2009-09-20 18:33:54)
Pokemaster12 wrote:
My dog just came up and licked the back of me neck! 0_o
O.o awkward
Hollowkit walked up to Thicketfur. "See? Your a good cat; nothing like your father." she murmered
OMG i just noticed I have a kit named Racconkit (ambereyes & banditstar) plz change ure kits name mousy
Tigerfang shook his head. "Don't go," He begged. "I need you to live- I'll take you to Foxtrot, and you'll rest..and you'll be fine..." he murmured sadly. He carefully picked her up by her scruff.
Autumnkit noticed that the sun was going down. He was going to need to leave soon.
Wavekit and Stonekit meowed suddenly,"we have to go!" and they scampered off.
Thornkit looked up at the sky. "Darkkit, the other kits should be coming here." he said, poking his brother
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Pokemaster12 wrote:
My dog just came up and licked the back of me neck! 0_o
O.o awkward
Hollowkit walked up to Thicketfur. "See? Your a good cat; nothing like your father." she murmered
OMG i just noticed I have a kit named Racconkit (ambereyes & banditstar) plz change ure kits name mousy
WHAT!?!? NO!!! im sorry but... i don't want to change his name. ;-;
''tigerfang...it's not really you...it couldn't be...afterall, i thought you of all cats hated me...that's why you left...'' she said. ''so now that you've said all this, even if i'm just seeing things and it's all just a dream...i can die happy...'' she didn't struggle. she was light, so it wasn't even half of a problem for tigerfang.
insanepoptart wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Pokemaster12 wrote:
My dog just came up and licked the back of me neck! 0_o
O.o awkward
Hollowkit walked up to Thicketfur. "See? Your a good cat; nothing like your father." she murmered
OMG i just noticed I have a kit named Racconkit (ambereyes & banditstar) plz change ure kits name mousyWHAT!?!? NO!!! im sorry but... i don't want to change his name. ;-;
he was born first, and i can't change his name! besides, hes already part lynx
Charredkit and MY Racconkit took off for the meeting place
"No, I'm real. I promise." Tigerfang mewoed softly. "I don't hate you. I was wrong. I love you. Don't give up. Your familiy needs you. I need you."
Wow, check this girl out.
Spiderpaws ear flicked. "Foxtrot, we need to prepare a place for Whitecloud. Tigerfang found her." she said, and went to get fresh moss
fine. -.-
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-20 18:49:15)
Autumnkit managed to get passed his mom, and headed towards the meeting place.
Wavekit and Stonekit managed to get out of camp, and headed towards the Great Rock.
''okay...i'll believe you for now...'' she said. ''i do want to see my family again...even if this is all just a dream...'' she muttered. she closed her eyes, waiting to be dragged back to camp. wolfstar would probably hate her. so would her family....everyone would...
My cat just came back and I was like "Aw, Kitty are you becoming a warrior?" Since i haven't seen here like for 2 days. She ish in Riverclan >:3 Lol XD
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Wow, check this girl out.
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! ok no offence to her but, pickes?!!?! XD
Wolfstar was pacing around, wishing to be with his mate. He needed someone to comfort him; Whitecloud's saftey was the only thing on his mind. He decided to got out and find her