"Let's go back to camp," Reedkit s
"Okay...," meowed Reedkit, and for went to get Pinekit.
me 2
Captain Tonks, reporting for dutie. :3
Badgerstep whispered something into Darkkit's ear for him to say. "No. Only a fool would not be afraid to go into a battle without fear, but a brave cat goes into the battle not fearing death. There is nothing foolish about Dying for yuor Clan." Darkkit mewed, reciting what Badgerstep had told him. (He's basically just Badgerstep's puppet XD lol) /// Cobrastrike shrugged. "Well Tallstar wasn't a very good leader. He took over only because Shadowstar took DarkClan by force, and starving cats that weren't on his side. Beetlestar could bring DarkClan around," Cobrastrike murmured.
u gotta luv my siggy
he knew what he had to do *Lionheart help me its blackpaw* he projected with his mind
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Pokemaster12 2 minutes ago
to the forums! And stay, for 9 rpg! XD
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packman214 1 minute ago
im banned from da forums
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packman214 2 minutes ago
blackpaw could barely see now if he could just get away from the grip he might have a chance
Oh yeah, keep up with 9 RPG.
Autumnkit nodded, and meowed,"Do you know who?" Wavekit and Stonekit gulped in fear. Autumnkit had seen Thornkit's and Darkkit's claws unsheathed. He turned to the both of them, and mewed,"Only a fool would not be scared before a battle." His amber eyes rebuked them.
littletonkslover wrote:
Captain Tonks, reporting for dutie. :3
And then make me a sammich.
When will My eggs hatch? How many clicks do they need? They've had about 3 for the total of them.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Badgerstep whispered something into Darkkit's ear for him to say. "No. Only a fool would not be afraid to go into a battle without fear, but a brave cat goes into the battle not fearing death. There is nothing foolish about Dying for yuor Clan." Darkkit mewed, reciting what Badgerstep had told him. (He's basically just Badgerstep's puppet XD lol)
REPOST for Poke.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
Badgerstep whispered something into Darkkit's ear for him to say. "No. Only a fool would not be afraid to go into a battle without fear, but a brave cat goes into the battle not fearing death. There is nothing foolish about Dying for yuor Clan." Darkkit mewed, reciting what Badgerstep had told him. (He's basically just Badgerstep's puppet XD lol) /// Cobrastrike shrugged. "Well Tallstar wasn't a very good leader. He took over only because Shadowstar took DarkClan by force, and starving cats that weren't on his side. Beetlestar could bring DarkClan around," Cobrastrike murmured.
"How did Tallstar get to be leader? Was he deputy of Shadowstar?"she thought deeply about such unfairness.
"Darkkit speaks truth. But if we could side with the Lynxs, no one would die. If we can't, we will fight." Thornkit said. Nightstar nodded in approval. "A true leader tries to spare as many lives as he can. If war is evadable, we will all be lucky." brb dinner
blackpaw sent another mental shout to the werewolves
nikkiperson2 wrote:
littletonkslover wrote:
Captain Tonks, reporting for dutie. :3
And then make me a sammich.
http://i908.photobucket.com/albums/ac29 … ammich.jpg
Only if you reward with with a Stealthie burger XD
lol WOTF King
Autumnkit narrowed his eyes, and mewed,"Are you alright? You said that a little slowly. Is Starclan whispering something to you?" Wavekit and Stonekit perked up theire ears. They then asked Nightstar,"Will one of us die?"
"The Lynx Tribe is a threat. Would you Ally with ShadowClan?" Darkkit retorted his brother. "They could turn on any time. But if we drove them out by making them think we are stronger than we are, no one will get hurt." Darkkit meowed.
Autumnkit chuckled, and meowed,"It looks like two cats are trying to become leader. Let the other cats decide, and Starclan, will approve their choice." Autumnkit then meowed to Wavekti and Stonekit,"You will not die, I won't let it happen. I'll try to keep all cats present alive."
nikkiperson2 wrote:
"The Lynx Tribe is a threat. Would you Ally with ShadowClan?" Darkkit retorted his brother. "They could turn on any time. But if we drove them out by making them think we are stronger than we are, no one will get hurt." Darkkit meowed.
XD sorry I just had to say what was on my mind
Ratfang traced lines with her paws