Demonspirit padded over to Glaciereyes. Her once-young pelt had lost it's ginger sheen; she was getting old. "Glaciereyes...I think It's time I retire to the elder's den." she meowed. (I've had her for a LONG time. O,o)
Scratchkit padded past an old tree, the scents getting ever stronger. He remembered what Gobokit had said- "They live in the wild, catch their own prey and have a vicious bite." Scratchkit tried to remember what else Gobokit had warned, "They're frightfully vicious to outsiders, especially kittypets. They'll kill you in one stroke. WHAM!"
"well..." claypaw began. '''' she said quickly.
Ratpaw's so PREETY XD
"Huh?" he asked.
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-09-07 17:14:52)
Maki-Tak wrote:
Scratchkit padded past an old tree, the scents getting ever stronger. He remembered what Gobokit had said- "They live in the wild, catch their own prey and have a vicious bite." Scratchkit tried to remember what else Gobokit had warned, "They're frightfully vicious to outsiders, especially kittypets. They'll kill you in one stroke. WHAM!"
Scratchkit? Gobokit? Lol, scratch names XD
glaciereyes looked at his not so young paws and sighed. ''i guess your right...but i'll miss hunting...i don't want to be fed without working to earn it...'' he muttered sourly.
"she likes you. alot." glowpaw informed reedkit. ''claypaw likes you'' she repeated.
"We've earned the right to be elders," demonspirit murmured. "We've been warriors for so long, we've seen many generations of kits grow into faithful warriors. Remember how we met? My mother Crystalwing and your mother Hookedtooth were in the nursery together. Bearkit had his eyes on me, but I knew I was destined to be with you," she purred. (remember Bearkit? I forget his warrior name. He was Yorie's.)
"Oh..." Reedkit "looked" down at his paws."Thank you.."
nikkiperson2 wrote:
"We've earned the right to be elders," demonspirit murmured. "We've been warriors for so long, we've seen many generations of kits grow into faithful warriors. Remember how we met? My mother Crystalwing and your mother Hookedtooth were in the nursery together. Bearkit had his eyes on me, but I knew I was destined to be with you," she purred. (remember Bearkit? I forget his warrior name. He was Yorie's.)
Bearclaw, who is mine, became bearstar.
"Yeah..." Glaciereyes smiled.
Claypaw was tempted to run, but she didn't. ''no problem...'' she whispered. glowpaw sighed. ''meaning she likes you more than a friend, reedkit...she loves you!'' she exclaimed.
sparkygirl wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
"We've earned the right to be elders," demonspirit murmured. "We've been warriors for so long, we've seen many generations of kits grow into faithful warriors. Remember how we met? My mother Crystalwing and your mother Hookedtooth were in the nursery together. Bearkit had his eyes on me, but I knew I was destined to be with you," she purred. (remember Bearkit? I forget his warrior name. He was Yorie's.)
Bearclaw, who is mine, became bearstar.
"Yeah..." Glaciereyes smiled.
Claypaw was tempted to run, but she didn't. ''no problem...'' she whispered. glowpaw sighed. ''meaning she likes you more than a friend, reedkit...she loves you!'' she exclaimed.
No, not YOUR Bearstar...Yorie's cat. I think he grew up to be Bearpelt or something...He lived in EagleClan.
"Really? Well...okay." Reedkit said.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
sparkygirl wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
"We've earned the right to be elders," demonspirit murmured. "We've been warriors for so long, we've seen many generations of kits grow into faithful warriors. Remember how we met? My mother Crystalwing and your mother Hookedtooth were in the nursery together. Bearkit had his eyes on me, but I knew I was destined to be with you," she purred. (remember Bearkit? I forget his warrior name. He was Yorie's.)
Bearclaw, who is mine, became bearstar.
"Yeah..." Glaciereyes smiled.
Claypaw was tempted to run, but she didn't. ''no problem...'' she whispered. glowpaw sighed. ''meaning she likes you more than a friend, reedkit...she loves you!'' she exclaimed.No, not YOUR Bearstar...Yorie's cat. I think he grew up to be Bearpelt or something...He lived in EagleClan.
o, him! ooopz! it's been so long that i 4got! T_T i miss yorie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
claypaw kneeded teh ground visiously. this was going did he feel about her? or did he even know she existed! she had a worried look in her eyes. she felt like she would be sick. glowpaw looked frustrated, but in a calm voice, she asked, ''how do you feel about her?''
I miss Yorie too >.< I wonder if she'll EVER come back? Or if she even remembers us? I feel kind of bad, because she left right as we finally learned to stop ripping each other's throats out >.< How many fights did me and Yorie get into? like...5. I hope that's not how she remembers me if she never comes back, just as 'that girl in WOTF that I always fought with"...Dappleflower misses her too, Sootface (yorie's cat) was her mate D:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
I miss Yorie too >.< I wonder if she'll EVER come back? Or if she even remembers us? I feel kind of bad, because she left right as we finally learned to stop ripping each other's throats out >.< How many fights did me and Yorie get into? like...5. I hope that's not how she remembers me if she never comes back, just as 'that girl in WOTF that I always fought with"...Dappleflower misses her too, Sootface (yorie's cat) was her mate D:
yeah...i miss her, her catz, and i can't even remember all of the good times we had...i hope she remembers us...i REALLy miss her...
I'm gonna go now, bai!