Ratpaw hissed at Panthertooth."What the heck?" she grabbed the prey back, but it's ear were torn off. She ran away again and buried it by some brambles. Then she saw a small rabbit chewing some grass. She pounced for it and grabbed it's legs. It turned back and smacked her nose.
In answer, Shadowstar stepped foward, Foxkit dangling from his jaws
In a flash of brown fur, Tigerstripe had killed the rabbit. "You ok?" The big tabby asked
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-06 20:07:53)
Wavekit's eyes widened, and he lashed out with his bleeding paw, sending blood drops flying in the air, and decorating the forest floor with a grim design. Stonekit hissed,"GIVE HIM BACK!" And lashed out. "Foxkit!" Wavekit wailed, lashing out again.
"Yes," she replied, but she thought that she was going to lose.
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-09-06 20:10:04)
Shadowstar went into a crazy rage and lunged for Wavekit, longing for the delisious taste of blood. Foxkit was dropped
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Shadowstar went into a crazy rage and lunged for Wavekit, longing for the delisious taste of blood. Foxkit was dropped
hey wolf can blackpaw comfront shadowstar now?
packman214 wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Shadowstar went into a crazy rage and lunged for Wavekit, longing for the delisious taste of blood. Foxkit was dropped
hey wolf can blackpaw comfront shadowstar now?
sure..... i wouldn't.......he could kill u in a snap
Ratpaw went for a starling and killed it.
Wavekit snarled,"LET GO!" and kept batting him with his bloodied paws. His eyes started to flare with rage. Stonekit and Wavekit were working as one. He bit down on Shadowstar's ear, and Stonekit pushed him. the moves caused Wavekit to twist Shadowstar to fall on his back, and him released.
Wolf_warrior wrote:
packman214 wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
Shadowstar went into a crazy rage and lunged for Wavekit, longing for the delisious taste of blood. Foxkit was dropped
hey wolf can blackpaw comfront shadowstar now?
sure..... i wouldn't.......he could kill u in a snap
i know hes a leader but neptune said she will make me a warrior when both of us are on at the same time....how could he kill me so easily?
I am back from the fair >:3
packman214 wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
packman214 wrote:
hey wolf can blackpaw comfront shadowstar now?sure..... i wouldn't.......he could kill u in a snap
i know hes a leader but neptune said she will make me a warrior when both of us are on at the same time....how could he kill me so easily?
well lets see. hes a sadistic blood-crazed vampire w/ 9 lives
Shadowstar bit down on Wavekit, feeling the lusterus taste of blood
Would you guys like to see one of my fave songs? It's got blood in it. Like, GORE, and MAJOR blood. Just making sure. NVM, WAYYY too much blood X3
Last edited by Pokemaster12 (2009-09-06 20:19:08)
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Would you guys like to see one of my fave songs? It's got blood in it. Like, GORE, and MAJOR blood. Just making sure.
thats nice, poke
Hmm, You don't really have a Visual out of Sound. Don't you mean Music Video?
Blood makes me feel tingly. It's soo funny, seeing people explode, seeeing blood..... I'll stop.
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Would you guys like to see one of my fave songs? It's got blood in it. Like, GORE, and MAJOR blood. Just making sure. NVM, WAYYY too much blood X3
in the lyrics?
Wolf_warrior wrote:
packman214 wrote:
Wolf_warrior wrote:
sure..... i wouldn't.......he could kill u in a snapi know hes a leader but neptune said she will make me a warrior when both of us are on at the same time....how could he kill me so easily?
well lets see. hes a sadistic blood-crazed vampire w/ 9 lives
Shadowstar bit down on Wavekit, feeling the lusterus taste of blood
he's an ambitious werewolf who always makes it out of stuff alive.... wait how is that? he should be dead by now... dont get any ideas
Wavekit screamed as if there was no tomorrow. (He won't be a vamp X3) Stonekit slashed at his head, crying,"LET HIM GO! LET HIM GO!"
The fitting Song is Dead bodies everywhere by Korn. I'll try to find the nonbloody version, so you can hear it. Not really, but yeah XD
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Blood makes me feel tingly. It's soo funny, seeing people explode, seeeing blood..... I'll stop.
Wow, that's disturbing.
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Blood makes me feel tingly. It's soo funny, seeing people explode, seeeing blood..... I'll stop.
well it is wanna here a sick song go to my page the first project you see it says boogey woogey wu....by ipc
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Blood makes me feel tingly. It's soo funny, seeing people explode, seeeing blood..... I'll stop.
Thats a little Psychotic... Do you have a Consuler? You need one.
littletonkslover wrote:
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Would you guys like to see one of my fave songs? It's got blood in it. Like, GORE, and MAJOR blood. Just making sure. NVM, WAYYY too much blood X3
in the lyrics?
No, the youtube video. Blood in every scene. It WILL give you nightmares.
Pokemaster12 wrote:
Wavekit screamed as if there was no tomorrow. (He won't be a vamp X3) Stonekit slashed at his head, crying,"LET HIM GO! LET HIM GO!"
The fitting Song is Dead bodies everywhere by Korn. I'll try to find the nonbloody version, so you can hear it. Not really, but yeah XD
I LOVE KORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE MY FAV IVE HEARD THAT SONG AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! have you ever heard ya'll want a single and coming undone and freak on a leash...*continues mumbling about korn*
Yep, a look in my mind.... I'm not usually like this, only when I'm in a mood...... I'm gonna stop typing, and take a few minutes to get the bad thoughts to go away. Sorry that you had to hear me.