Bramblestar looked down at his son, and his stomach churned. *that night* Bramblestar had a dream. In his dream, he was standing in the middle of camp. "Bramblestar!" Hollybreezes excited mew made him turn. He smiled and was walking over to her when he heard another voice, so soft and sweet. "Bramblestar," it called to him. He turned around and saw Moonfrost. "I've changed my mind. I love you more then that furball Goldthorn." she said, her pelt shimmering in the moonlight.
hello? did everyone leave?
No I didn't. Kay go to meh scroll by clicking on one of my dragons and click the Whiptail eg plz. ////
kk i did
"First, I've noted you need work on your battle skills. We will train in that first." Tigerstripe said. "Your services are not required, Grayfoot." he said to the senior warrior. Soon his gang surrounded him
click all of mine tonky
Wolf_warrior wrote:
kk i did
"First, I've noted you need work on your battle skills. We will train in that first." Tigerstripe said. "Your services are not required, Grayfoot." he said to the senior warrior. Soon his gang surrounded him
What? Who surrounded her?
Ratpaw looked at Tigerstripe."Continue...."
Falcontalon and Panthertooth
"Its time you get the experience of a battle firsthand!" Tigerstripe snarled, and lunged for Ratpaw
Ratpaw ran to the side, swiping in the air quickly.
Tigerstripe turned and jumped again, this time making contact. He grabbed her by the scruff. "That all u got?" he sneered through her fur
Ratpaw growled. She swiped for his leg but missed.
Tigerstripe threw her at Falcontalon, who clawed her pelt and tossed her to Panthertooth, who bit down on her neck and shook her like a dog before releasing her
and regardless of what packman says, I was not 'talking to weird people on the internet' I was talking to people from SCRATCH.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
sorry i was in the shower ^^
its ok >^^< though some ppl consider me
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-06 14:37:48)
Ratpaw sreeched."Stop!" She lunged for Falcontalon, biting his arm while thrusting her head at his body.
And yea I kno
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-09-06 14:38:25)
nikkiperson2 wrote:
and regardless of what packman says, I was not 'talking to weird people on the internet' I was talking to people from SCRATCH.
Falcontalon snarled and shook the tiny apprentice off. Tigerstripe stared at her dissaprovingly. "Were this a real battle, you would be dead by now." he growled
(Ratpaw's a bit small for her age, how did you know?) Ratpaw ran for a tree. She was really good at climbing them(like me), so she ran as fast as she could.
Tigerstripe chased after her. He wasn't as good a climber, so it took him a while
*Oh great,* she thought. *Now I'm stuck.* She growled quietly and climbed higher.
He stood beneth the tree, and couldn't help feeling alittle impressed. "Runing away won't wind battles!" he called
well, tigerstripe is fightn w/ ratpaw & nikki ditched us 2 take a shower ^^
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-09-06 14:49:24)
guys i have a feeling nikkis going to hack me so if i say anything mean or rude its most probably not me...