and btw sparks, I think Alpha is probably right, he most likely just wants to help a new freshmen out. Take it as a good thing, because not many people in Highschool are very kind to frosh, or at least not in my school XD GOD today I was in the lunch line and the freaking freshmen were ticking me off so bad though, they like didn't know how to operate the ID puncher to buy food with -.- it's EXTREMELY EASY, you just have to type in some numbers, it's not rocket science.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
and btw sparks, I think Alpha is probably right, he most likely just wants to help a new freshmen out. Take it as a good thing, because not many people in Highschool are very kind to frosh, or at least not in my school XD GOD today I was in the lunch line and the freaking freshmen were ticking me off so bad though, they like didn't know how to operate the ID puncher to buy food with -.- it's EXTREMELY EASY, you just have to type in some numbers, it's not rocket science.
okay. i'll keep dat in mind. but there's not like... 75 % more pushed me down 2 flights of stairs....THAT hurt....
sparkygirl wrote:
nikkeh! *hugz* can u help me find a non fiction article that won't bore me 2 death and isn't very long...plz! i need it 4 2morrow and i can't find ANYTHING!//// ribbonpaw purred and licked his cheek quickly. ''hi'' she purred.
non-fiction article for what? like a story or something? and OMG I don't have Early Literature until 2nd tri, so it doesn't matter that I didn't read my summer reading book, I can just read it later XD
thornclaws was eating a vole under a shady tree just outside of darkclan camp.////crystallight was playing with dustkit and snowkit, tossing a mossball back and forth...///whitecloud was walking around, even more thin than she had been before. she saw a sparrow, and leaped to catch it, but she hardly had enough energy to leap, let alone kill it. it flew away, and she only had feathers between her once powerful claws.////////''who cares! i don't really...if we get caught...then...then i'll just tell bearstar what i think!'' she mewed. she knew she wouldn't stand a chance in a fight, but she just had to try! if bearstar didn't want her to be with blackpaw, then she would leave. forever.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
and btw sparks, I think Alpha is probably right, he most likely just wants to help a new freshmen out. Take it as a good thing, because not many people in Highschool are very kind to frosh, or at least not in my school XD GOD today I was in the lunch line and the freaking freshmen were ticking me off so bad though, they like didn't know how to operate the ID puncher to buy food with -.- it's EXTREMELY EASY, you just have to type in some numbers, it's not rocket science.
Yes it is!!!!!!!!! omg my thighs hurt so bad a had my first day of football practice i had to be at school by 6:30....beba convinced aunty to let me play!
sparkygirl wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
and btw sparks, I think Alpha is probably right, he most likely just wants to help a new freshmen out. Take it as a good thing, because not many people in Highschool are very kind to frosh, or at least not in my school XD GOD today I was in the lunch line and the freaking freshmen were ticking me off so bad though, they like didn't know how to operate the ID puncher to buy food with -.- it's EXTREMELY EASY, you just have to type in some numbers, it's not rocket science.
okay. i'll keep dat in mind. but there's not like... 75 % more pushed me down 2 flights of stairs....THAT hurt....
O.O are you sure it was intentional? at my school the halls (even in the staircases) get REALLY jammed, and many people have fallen on them by accident. I almost fell on it once, but I caught myself on the person in front of me XD
nikkiperson2 wrote:
sparkygirl wrote:
nikkeh! *hugz* can u help me find a non fiction article that won't bore me 2 death and isn't very long...plz! i need it 4 2morrow and i can't find ANYTHING!//// ribbonpaw purred and licked his cheek quickly. ''hi'' she purred.
non-fiction article for what? like a story or something? and OMG I don't have Early Literature until 2nd tri, so it doesn't matter that I didn't read my summer reading book, I can just read it later XD
like...sumthing from da newspaper, or a magazine...i only read manga and fictional bookz, so i have no idea what 2 pick! it can b from anywhere, i just need a copy 2 print out and give 2 mah teacher. sumthin i would like cuz i have 2 do a report on it most likely. i wanted 2 find something on taylor swift, but i couldn't find anything. she's like pure inspiration! i luv her singing! i wanna meet her so badly 1 day!
packman214 wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
and btw sparks, I think Alpha is probably right, he most likely just wants to help a new freshmen out. Take it as a good thing, because not many people in Highschool are very kind to frosh, or at least not in my school XD GOD today I was in the lunch line and the freaking freshmen were ticking me off so bad though, they like didn't know how to operate the ID puncher to buy food with -.- it's EXTREMELY EASY, you just have to type in some numbers, it's not rocket science.
Yes it is!!!!!!!!! omg my thighs hurt so bad a had my first day of football practice i had to be at school by 6:30....beba convinced aunty to let me play!
I heard.
Since I'm nice, I won't tell Sparky about the time you played last time >:3 you know what I'm takling about.
sparkygirl wrote:
nikkeh! *hugz* can u help me find a non fiction article that won't bore me 2 death and isn't very long...plz! i need it 4 2morrow and i can't find ANYTHING!//// ribbonpaw purred and licked his cheek quickly. ''hi'' she purred. This might work!
nikkiperson2 wrote:
sparkygirl wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
and btw sparks, I think Alpha is probably right, he most likely just wants to help a new freshmen out. Take it as a good thing, because not many people in Highschool are very kind to frosh, or at least not in my school XD GOD today I was in the lunch line and the freaking freshmen were ticking me off so bad though, they like didn't know how to operate the ID puncher to buy food with -.- it's EXTREMELY EASY, you just have to type in some numbers, it's not rocket science.
okay. i'll keep dat in mind. but there's not like... 75 % more pushed me down 2 flights of stairs....THAT hurt....
O.O are you sure it was intentional? at my school the halls (even in the staircases) get REALLY jammed, and many people have fallen on them by accident. I almost fell on it once, but I caught myself on the person in front of me XD
yes. i'm sure. he said, ''oopz'' then pushed me. hard. and i looked up and he was laughing his head planner was also stolen 2day...but i 'found it' in a class that i hadn't been in yet...
omg i was running down my stairs at school and i slid down 3 of them but caught my self on the railing... Blackpaw looked at ribbonpaw "you wanna wrestle?"
nikkiperson2 wrote:
packman214 wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
and btw sparks, I think Alpha is probably right, he most likely just wants to help a new freshmen out. Take it as a good thing, because not many people in Highschool are very kind to frosh, or at least not in my school XD GOD today I was in the lunch line and the freaking freshmen were ticking me off so bad though, they like didn't know how to operate the ID puncher to buy food with -.- it's EXTREMELY EASY, you just have to type in some numbers, it's not rocket science.
Yes it is!!!!!!!!! omg my thighs hurt so bad a had my first day of football practice i had to be at school by 6:30....beba convinced aunty to let me play!
I heard.
Since I'm nice, I won't tell Sparky about the time you played last time >:3 you know what I'm takling about.
... i feel left out. what?
''sure'' ribbonpaw said, batting playfully at him with her paw.
nikkiperson2 wrote:
packman214 wrote:
nikkiperson2 wrote:
and btw sparks, I think Alpha is probably right, he most likely just wants to help a new freshmen out. Take it as a good thing, because not many people in Highschool are very kind to frosh, or at least not in my school XD GOD today I was in the lunch line and the freaking freshmen were ticking me off so bad though, they like didn't know how to operate the ID puncher to buy food with -.- it's EXTREMELY EASY, you just have to type in some numbers, it's not rocket science.
Yes it is!!!!!!!!! omg my thighs hurt so bad a had my first day of football practice i had to be at school by 6:30....beba convinced aunty to let me play!
I heard.
Since I'm nice, I won't tell Sparky about the time you played last time >:3 you know what I'm takling about.
nikki i was in 2nd grade..........
sparky you dont need to know... Blackpaw pounced on her.... and ripped her throat out killing her instantly.... just kidding.... he just stood there and said "peice of cake!" i suppose they wouldnt know what cake is.....
thornclaws was eating a vole under a shady tree just outside of darkclan camp.////crystallight was playing with dustkit and snowkit, tossing a mossball back and forth...///whitecloud was walking around, even more thin than she had been before. she saw a sparrow, and leaped to catch it, but she hardly had enough energy to leap, let alone kill it. it flew away, and she only had feathers between her once powerful claws.////////''who cares! i don't really...if we get caught...then...then i'll just tell bearstar what i think!'' she mewed. she knew she wouldn't stand a chance in a fight, but she just had to try! if bearstar didn't want her to be with blackpaw, then she would leave. forever.
TELL MEH TELL MEH TELL MEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T o, darn! i gotta go REALLY soon...dinner...
but nikki didn't respond yet!