mouseclaw managed to stand up. "EarthSong? may i meet your kits?"
y u sad alpha! what wrong? me depressed 2...
Anyone wanna make a collab account?
Oh, hi Alpha! ^^
flypaw was in sunclan, bored out of her mind. she walked over to reedkit. ''you okay?'' she asked him. she knew he was blind. she gently rested her soft, bushy black tail on his shoulder.
alpha! u iz NOT ugly! i'm 1 likes a fat, ugly, stupid curly haired freak like me....that's what the bullies say...also, "stupid curly haired people like you can never succeed!" is another common line...
Earthsong wrote:
>.> DO looks really matter? Everyone is themself, you are you, I am me, SParkz is Sparks, u ARE Special!
Earthsong mewed,"When they wake up, they are sleeping now." (Since Nikkis not on...)
They do in Texas >_>
.......How odd, only my friends online would really say that....
Well.... Rachel probably would say that, just cause she is an awesome friend >_>
My b-day is coming up in about a week.... I hope I have a good birthday....
"oh well ok." mouseclaw slightly tilted her head and smiled. "So... umm do you have any tips for caring for my kits?"
ooo! happy early b-day, then! ^_^ mine passed months ago and no1 even was also the day of my grandfathers funeral, so i wasn't even on 2 tell u guyz...valentines day was when we drove up 4 the funeral...he died a week other grandfather died a day b4 my b-day when i was turning 9
sparkygirl wrote:
alpha! u iz NOT ugly! i'm 1 likes a fat, ugly, stupid curly haired freak like me....that's what the bullies say...also, "stupid curly haired people like you can never succeed!" is another common line...
Never listen to bullies sparkz, they say that cause they're rude and stupid kids trying to put others down.
I've numbed myself down to stuff like that, not that anybody makes fun of me like that anymore. They just make fun of me when I like somebody and they know it....
Alphazulu wrote:
sparkygirl wrote:
alpha! u iz NOT ugly! i'm 1 likes a fat, ugly, stupid curly haired freak like me....that's what the bullies say...also, "stupid curly haired people like you can never succeed!" is another common line...
Never listen to bullies sparkz, they say that cause they're rude and stupid kids trying to put others down.
I've numbed myself down to stuff like that, not that anybody makes fun of me like that anymore. They just make fun of me when I like somebody and they know it....
they do dat 2 meh 'best friend' knew i liked him and she asked him out...and he accepted...and now they r dating...and SHE is the one who TOLD me 2 tell him! right after SHE'D asked him out, and i didn't know! it's not fair! i know how u feel, tho...pplz used 2 make fun of me 4 dat all the time. then i stopped talking in school...mostly stopped talking outloud...scratch is teh only way i REALLY talk...i suprised i know how 2 use my voice...but i can because i love singing, i guess....
Pastel looked at Crayons. "Oh, well umm, I don't know," she mumbled. Pastel looked up at the mountains. That was where she heard LionClan lived. Her life in EagleClan... was not all of what it's cracked up to be.... "Pastel! Crayons!" a voice snapped her mind back into reality. It was Slatestrike. She shuffled uncomfortably; Slatestrike intimidated her.
Alphazulu wrote:
Earthsong wrote:
>.> DO looks really matter? Everyone is themself, you are you, I am me, SParkz is Sparks, u ARE Special!
Earthsong mewed,"When they wake up, they are sleeping now." (Since Nikkis not on...)They do in Texas >_>
.......How odd, only my friends online would really say that....
Well.... Rachel probably would say that, just cause she is an awesome friend >_>
My b-day is coming up in about a week.... I hope I have a good birthday....
Alpha, come on, looks DONT matter, who cares what people think about how you look? You just need to have confidence
you think your ugly?............... trust me i have huge ears and beaver teeth i am far worse then the rest of you
i need more pplz 2 click em! gah!
alpha you live in texas? ME TOO click my eggs or else... hfxhfkchfxsnf blackpaw looked up at bearstar ps sparky wolfie made me a wolf!