Shadetooth launched himself at Wolfstar. One bite, and the venom would kill him. Or one of his lives, at least. He unsheathed his fangs and took aim.
What Clan Is Being Attacked???
Wolfstar threw Shadetooth off him and grabbed him by the neck and shook him so hard it would've killed a normal cat
Tallstar snarled, and got to his paws shakily. "fool. I have 8 lives, and you only have one." He laughed. He circled around Slatestrike, trying to psych him out.
Stealthfur realized that this was a big battle. Three clans. He wondered if he should aid the defending side.
(Some Eaglelan cat, can u get him?)
Last edited by littletonkslover (2009-08-18 20:56:32)
Shadetooth growled and squirmed from his grasp and managed to get his jaws around Wolfstar's neck. He bit down hard.
Omg make Stealthfur come back to DarkClan >:3 pweeeze?
Argh, bathroom! Be backkk
Shredslash pounced, and his aim was corret. A gray blur went by, and Scytheclaw had shredslash's neck in his grasp. He threw Shredslash into Tallstar, and proceeded to stand over his mate and kits in a protective way. He slashed out at the cats who tried to harm them.
Wolfstar hissed, and scratched Shadetooth until he got him off.
Pastel screeched to a halt right behind her sister. Her eyes widened. This was it. She had imagined the clans to be like this. She turned and looked around. So many bleeding cat.... Pastel tugged on her sister's tail. "Crayons!" she meowed.
Echostrike streaked out from the warriors' den, and tackled Frostbite head on. Hawkfire and Hazeswirl tackeld Frostbite alongside their mother.
"FOXKIT! GET YOUR TAIL BACK HERE THIS INSTANT YOUNG MAN!" Riverflow screamed at her son. "But Momma-" "NO BUTS!" Foxkit walked back to his mothers side, sulking that he couldn't take part in the battle
Flickerkit waited back in the DarkClan camp, wondering if her friends would ever come back...
I wish Nikki, but I'd need a reason. Help? :3 ///Stealthfur shrugged and charged into the camp. He saw many cats fighting, and tried to see where Eagleclan needed help most.
Frostbite limped away on her 3 good legs, but not before she got a glimpse at Cobrastrike hiding in the warriors den. "Cobrakit?" she murmured. She stopped dead in the center of the battle, and began to slowly walk toward her son. "Cobrakit!" She called happily, beginning to run.
Shadetooth grinned. "Vampire venom kills werewolves, Wolfstar!" He reminded the gray leader.
Tallstar snarled. "You're brave, yet foolish!" He growled at Slatestrike.
i g2g bedtime b on tomorrow. let me know how the battle ends.
Shadowstar saw the warriors tackling his mate. In a quick second, the two warriors were flung off her back. Shadowstar stood behind Frostbite, so nobody was going to try another sneak attack.//// Wolfstar howled in pain as he lost a life. He dangled limply for a second, then threw Shadetooth off him
Tallstar growled once more, but realized he would soon be surrounded. He ran out of camp to enter the other side, but he slammed into Stealthfur on the way out. He fell back, and then blinked. "Stealthfur?" He gasped. He grinned. "You've come to help! I knew you were a DarkClan cat at heart!" he purred.
Hawkfire snarled at Frostbite,"Get away from our brother!" Hazeswirl dragged her dwon, growling,"He's not a fraidy kit! He's a warrior!" Echostrike was trying to help defend the nursery. She swiped at Shadowclan warriors.
Last edited by Pokemaster12 (2009-08-18 21:07:36)