Pokemaster12 wrote:
it's the same music and stuff, but instead of the prarie dog it's me XD
Bronzekit squealed with excitement as he clung to his adopted father's back.
Shredslash leapt into battle, claws unsheathed.
Scytheclaw yowled,"We're being attacked! Defend the nursery!" Scytheclaw positioned himself right in front of the nursery, slashing away shadowclan and darkclan warriors.
what did i do now?
Wolfstar looked up, and was instantly full of rage. "SHADETOOTH!" he roared, seconds away from morphing into a wolf.///// Riverflow wrapped her tail around her children, Foxkit and Stormkit.
Last edited by Wolf_warrior (2009-08-18 20:40:10)
Wavekit and Stonekit both squeaked in suprise and fear.
Scytheclaw snarled, raking his claws down Shredslash. He was trying to get into the nursery. Shredslash yowled in protest, and challenged Slatestrike with a look.
(you said brb, that's what XD)
Shadetooth grinned. "In the flesh. Calm down, doggy. This will only hurt for a second," He spat through gritted teeth. Tallstar crept through the fronds surrounding camp and looked around. He saw a flash of gray fur head into the nursery- the perfect place to strike fear into them. He dashed over to the nursery, grinning devilishly. "Can the kits come out to play?" he asked tauntingly.
Frostbite flung herself onto Scytheclaw, hissing. She raked her good paw's claws down the back of his head, hissing.
piemaster wrote:
Sunflare pounced on a darkclan warrior. He killed him in his powerful blow. "Idiotiotc cats." He muttered. He went to go protect the elders den
O.O I have a cat in MY Warriors RPG named SUnflare... XD He's ebil! He has No blood, but he's not a vamp O.o XD He is like the WotMD version of Shadowstar
Scytheclaw twisted around, and with his long claws, sank his claws into her shoulder, and ripped her off. Shredslash took the oppurtunity to dart into the nursery, and he snarled,"Come out kits, I hav a special suprise for you!" Wavekit and Stonekit both trembled in fear. They both shrieked,"Make the scary cat go away!"
Tallstar snarled menacingly and pounced headfirst at Slatestrike, claws extended. He bared his fangs. He wanted all of these cats to fear him, and what better way than to attack their protector.
Shadetooth got closer to Wolfstar. "You're dead." He hissed.
what are u pplz attacking?
"Bring it on, dung face!" Foxkit snarled, his fur arching up. Riverflow grabbed him by the scruff.
Shredslash tore out a huge mouthful of fur from Sunflare's shoulder as a warning. "Get out of the way!" He snarled, and his red eyes rested on Stonekit and Wavekit. They both squeaked,"Daddy!" Scytheclaw heard, and tried to turn to get ot them. Another Shadowclan warrior was weighing him down. He put his front paws down flat, and pushed up. He was standing. Scytheclaw then threw the Shadowclan warrior across the clearing.
Last edited by Pokemaster12 (2009-08-18 20:55:47)
Frostbite lay on the ground in a pitiful heap. Cinderfur cautiously padded over to her. *Is she dead?* He thought, but before he could do anything else, she swiped her claws across his chest. He roared in pain, and slashed across her belly.
Foxkit squirmed out of Riverflows grasp and lept at Shredslash. "SCYTHECLAW!" Riverflow screamed, tears streaking down her fur, knowing that Foxkit would die if Scytheclaw didn't save him
Stealthfur heard a faint sound of battle.He went towards Eagleclan so he could hear better.