Hi, I'm actually pretty new to Scratch and I'm working on this Light's Out game but the key part of the game which is the part that broadcasts which lights to turn off doesn't seem to work online. It works fine offline on my computer. What I did was added another block inside the broadcast something like this:
<broadcast[ (( something<*>10 ))
That following code doesn't seem to work online.
I'm not sure if it is an error in Scratch and I can't figure out how to fix it. A link to this project can be found here http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/EternalEphemeral/583510
The code is in the sprite Senser and under "When I receive ToggleLight"
Any help would be appreciated!
Projects work differently online. You program in Squeak and it runs in Java online.
Well that really sucks. Is there anyway I can fix this problem so people don't have to download it for it to work?
That's a very creative use of the Broadcast Message block, using computed message numbers. I do remember that there was a problem with broadcasts of numeric messages not working in the Java Player a while back. That may be the problem here.
You probably could use the JOIN block of the 1.4 Release Candidate to append a letter to the front of each broadcast name thus converting the message name from numeric to alpha-numeric.
Thanks alot Paddle2See it works now when I use the join block in 1.4. Could you check out some of my other projects and give me some feedback? That would be nice