I am making the first ever scratch awards show! If you get a scratch you will get a project dedicated to you for free! Awards begin on july 25th (It might say July 15th but I'll be at boy scout camp!) Check the scratch awards preview for official rules! If you don't get a scratch award it could be that I've never met you! Don't go unnoticed. Here are the categories to chose from:
most viewed for videos
most loved
most remixed
most amount of projects
most viewed for games
most number of projects in design studios
my personal favorite featured gallery
most amount of friends
projects selected by...
most amount of projects of famous cartoons
my favorite all time game!
If you think you could win an award from one of those then post what category you want to be in and the name of your project! At least try people!
Last edited by HCN (2009-06-29 18:42:37)