Hello, i will be teaching new users the basics of programming in scratch. You will get to know the purpose of each programming block and what it is used for.
Lets start with the Motion block:
Move _ steps: This block will tell the sprite or the object on the screen to move a certain number of steps in the direction that it is pointing.
Turn -> _ degrees: This block tells the sprite to rotate a certain number of degrees to the right. It will not move location, but it will change the direction it is pointing.
Turn <- _ degrees: This block is exactly the same as the previous one, except the direction of rotation is to the left or counter clockwise.
Point in direction _ : This block will tell the sprite to point in a specific direction. It will snap to that position and not take time to rotate.
Point towards _ : This block will tell the sprite to point towards another object. You can choose it to point towards another sprite or point towards the mouse
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)>: This block will tell the