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#1 2009-06-01 16:47:37

Registered: 2009-05-26
Posts: 35

Various Biddles...

If you Save a Sprite that Uses Variables;
The Variables are Saved, And Comments are Now Saved...
But If it also uses a List with Data... The Data is Forgotten...!
Curiously: This List may be Exported & Imported; Which allows A programmer to create a huge repository of Data and Import to a Script...
If a Saved Individual (sub)-Script/Sprite refers to a Variable or List; Then it should be saved with the Sprite. It seems to me that a Sprite that is Imported will bring along all the variables from the previous source, even if that sub-script/sprite isn't using them...!

Which brings up a New Criticism...!
Scratch Really Needs a Complete Index of All Available Features...!!!
There are Many that i've Discovered That are Not Documented;
And Many Simple Tricks to Achieve Results that may otherwise seem Impossible...!

Scratch should have A Plain Text Script Import Feature
This would allow slightly more adept programmers to type up a script and then import it to Scratch, which would then be translated into Scratch Blocks.

Alternating Colors for Nested Loops

Need Way to Disable a Sprite to Keep All Scripts within it from Running!
( Very useful for large programs during debugging! )

Should be able to Display a Fractional Accuracy of The Users Choice / Especially for Debugging / On The Variable Panes which May or May Not Appear on The Scratch Display

The Exported Sprite Image Doesn't Retain Transparent Halo!

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