I just don't get it. I've read Twilight and seen the first movie and it isn't too much of a love story. I'm okay with it. And yes, Harry Potter is better, unless you hate adventure. Now, someone tell me what is wrong with Twilight. I know the characters act a bit foolishly, but that's what makes a good story. And according to me, there are more Twilight-haters than fans, so stop saying that Twilight fans think they're so much better. In fact, I might just tell the Scratch Team to destroy this forum before it gets out of hand.
twilight is better by far! i love harry potter but it sucks compared to Twilight
Actually, I prefer Harry Potter over Twilight, but Twilight's okay. I think we need to get rid of this.
GET RID OF THE TOPIC!!! This forum topic sucks.
big-bang wrote:
GoogleplexPlus wrote:
GET RID OF THE TOPIC!!! This forum topic sucks.
Can you just admit you're outnumbered? The losing party always asks for these threads to be closed.
Hah! Now that you mention it, that's true!
...Like a cornered rat.
DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU'RE A TWILIGHT FAN: Harry Potter wins by a landslide with me, sorry Twilight fans, I just don't get that series. I'm sorry to the Twilight fans, but I thought the movie was quite weird and bad. If you feel the same way, and do not like Twilight, watch this hilarious Bum Review I found: http://www.thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/bum-reviews/2741-twilight
I also like Bum Reviews, and this one was LOL hilarious.
Here's how I describe it (with Harry Potter winning by far)
Harry Potter: The epic tale of a young wizard who is the only one that can defeat a powerful villain by attending a wizarding school where he will learn spells, meet friends, and learn how to accept death.
Twilight: A vampire and a girl, it was love at first bite.
Sorry Twilight fans, I think Harry Potter's much better.
harry potter's new hair cut is so ugly
its like they gave a monkey an electric shaver and told it to cut his hair
but im gonna see teh movie anyway
miasharla1 wrote:
twilight is better by far! i love harry potter but it sucks compared to Twilight
Are you serious? Can you think properly?
Yep, someone should definitely close this topic.