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#1451 2010-05-05 08:13:21

Registered: 2010-01-11
Posts: 58

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to become curator! I love Scratch!!! I would try my best to show the best projects!

♥ I'm a recording artist now!I ღ



#1452 2010-05-05 10:42:31

Retired Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-07-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Chrischb wrote:

illusionist wrote:

Chrischb wrote:

What are the asterisks for?  hmm

Oh, right:

scratch team**

Are you counting TBG? The-Whiz has one... SO GIVE MEH ONE TOO  big_smile

Oh, right...  tongue

-  Curators of Scratch - (5.5.2010)
I  -  Cheddargirl*           
II  -  Toasty                   
III  -  Jasb
IV  -  Keroro645
V  -  Lanie*
VI  -  Coolstuff
VII  -  Forest
VIII  -  Coka
IX  -  JSO*
X  -  PetVet300
XI  -  Fullmoon
XII  -  Penguinsrock
XIII  -  The-Whiz*
XIV  -  Andresmh**
XV  -  SabGames
XVI  -  ElPapa
XVII  -  Sparks
XVIII  -  MyRedNeptune*
XIX  -  TreacLE_24
XX  -  Illusionist
XXI  -  CoolStuff
XXII  -  Scmb1
XXIII  -  Greenflash
XXIV  -  Chrischb*
XXV  -  xXMikeyPXx
XXVI  -  LS97


Last edited by illusionist (2010-05-05 10:43:24)



#1453 2010-05-05 20:35:31

Registered: 2009-09-20
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

i would really like to... but i dont really put much projects on my favorites list



#1454 2010-05-06 01:44:59

Registered: 2008-07-25
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Curators are awesome!  big_smile

Last edited by Jonathanpb (2010-05-06 01:45:19)

"Human beings... must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.
-Charlotte Brontë



#1455 2010-05-07 16:13:19

Registered: 2010-04-21
Posts: 6

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

yes. i would like to become a scratch Curator if i can. im 8 turning 9 . im slightly new to this site but theres a lot of projects i would choose. may i become one? just send me everything i need. thank you




#1456 2010-05-07 17:15:32

Registered: 2010-02-28
Posts: 5

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

i would very much like to be a scratch curator because i like adventure games and puzzel games and i could make sprites for people because there is a website that lets me do that [link removed by moderator] so pleas scratch  cool

Last edited by cheddargirl (2010-05-07 17:48:15)



#1457 2010-05-07 17:41:12

Registered: 2010-01-15
Posts: 35

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I'd love to be a curator (if possible)

I'd like to show platformers and animations.  big_smile



#1458 2010-05-07 17:49:45

Scratch Team
Registered: 2008-09-15
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

zovek wrote:

i would very much like to be a scratch curator because i like adventure games and puzzel games and i could make sprites for people because there is a website that lets me do that [link removed by moderator] so pleas scratch  cool

Hey zovek, if you want to help make sprites for people, you can do to the 'Requests' forum and set up a thread there offering to make custom sprites. But please don't leave links that seem to promote websites outside of Scratch, okay?  wink
Everything is better when you add a little cheddar, because when you have cheese your life is at ease  smile



#1459 2010-05-08 16:20:39

Registered: 2009-01-28
Posts: 6

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to become a curator. I would choose games, simulations, and art.  wink

Last edited by mister9999 (2010-05-08 16:22:40)



#1460 2010-05-08 22:29:48

Registered: 2010-03-27
Posts: 6

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would definitely want to be a curator. I love games that are really fun to play, but are really simple, or have a small file-size. I also love physics and strategy games.

I helped a lot of people get connected with scratch. I've given many of my friends personal tutorials at home, and each one of them has become a really great Scratcher. I view many projects, and I click "Love it" and I comment if they are good. I feel that if some one has put a lot of hard work into a project, then that person deserves for that project to be known and be loved. I hate it when someone puts a lot of effort into something and almost no-one sees it. I know what it's like.




#1461 2010-05-09 00:04:52

Registered: 2010-03-26
Posts: 1

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Well, I like to look at lots of projects ALL THE TIME. Seriously. I think i would be a good
Curactor. I would give everyone there chance of popularity. I have seen VERY VERY amazing projects that don't even get more that 3 veiws. I would like to show the talent scratchers out in the scratch community. I fell bad for them, and everyone deserves a chance to shine and show off the true talents  big_smile



#1462 2010-05-09 14:13:49

Registered: 2007-07-10
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

illusionist wrote:

-  Curators of Scratch - (5.5.2010)
I  -  Cheddargirl*           
II  -  Toasty                   
III  -  Jasb
IV  -  Keroro645
V  -  Lanie*
VI  -  Coolstuff
VII  -  Forest
VIII  -  Coka
IX  -  JSO*
X  -  PetVet300
XI  -  Fullmoon
XII  -  Penguinsrock
XIII  -  The-Whiz*
XIV  -  Andresmh**
XV  -  SabGames
XVI  -  ElPapa
XVII  -  Sparks
XVIII  -  MyRedNeptune*
XIX  -  TreacLE_24
XX  -  Illusionist
XXI  -  Coolperson
XXII  -  Scmb1
XXIII  -  Greenflash
XXIV  -  Chrischb*
XXV  -  xXMikeyPXx
XXVI  -  LS97



Last edited by cocoanut (2010-05-09 14:14:14) leave a message at the beep.
Steam: Hellephant



#1463 2010-05-10 17:08:25

Registered: 2010-04-30
Posts: 25

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I want to be a curator for these reasons;
I think that the idea of a game is no where near as important as how well programed.
When motivating myself i dont think "But thats a bad idea" I think "Lets code that "
Its about the ability if it deserves to be on the front page.
Not the idea.
Like a special platform game that dosent load.
Thank you for my attention



#1464 2010-05-11 13:26:58

Registered: 2010-03-31
Posts: 3

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I really want to be a curator I will pick three projects that everyone will like, and if possible after a few weeks I could curate one of my projects?



#1465 2010-05-11 21:09:18

Registered: 2008-08-09
Posts: 22

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage


I would like to be the next curator because, I would pick games that have a complex system, for example, a side-scroller where if you jumped high enough, it would change the y position of the terrains, and if you touched the sides of the wall or something, you couldn't move, or, a game where you walk around and it scrolls, both x and y, depending on which way you move (example: when right key pressed change x by -5, when left key pressed change x by 5, when up key pressed change y by -5, when down key pressed change y by 5). And I would pick animations that use the turn scripts, like if a hand was waving, use the turn scripts, and, using the glide script too. I would pick projects that use Scratch's features to their extent.

~ClubMario<stamp><change pen size by( <set pen shade to( <change pen shade by( <change pen color by( <pen up><pen down><clear><repeat( <forever><when[  ]clicked><turn cw(  )degrees><glide(  )secs to x sad   )y sad  <turn cw(  )degrees>




#1466 2010-05-11 21:27:01

Registered: 2010-01-30
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

It would be cool if the scratch team could pick someone that deserves to be a curator, but isn't quite as famous.  smile



#1467 2010-05-11 22:46:05

Registered: 2009-03-14
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi, Scratch team!
I think you know me by now. This is my 3rd or 4th request to be a curator.
(clears throat)
Let me try again...
I would like to be a curator. I am ten years old. I think being a curator would be fun because I could look for projects that deserve more views.
I am devoted to art, and I love it. I would feature projects about all kinds of things, not just art.
Being a curator would be a great experience for me, but if I was ever picked, it would be a big commitment for me to feature new projects every day. I have school from 8:30 to 3:30 every day.
Whether you pick me or not, I toast to the future Scratch curators of 2010!

Last edited by KalinaStar (2010-05-11 22:46:17)
My Stuff|My Dragons|My Forums|Article of the Week (updated every weekend, hopefully)



#1468 2010-05-11 22:52:00

Registered: 2008-07-27
Posts: 82

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to be a Scratch curator. I've been on scratch for a year and a half, and I have made more than 300 projects including games, animations, and music. I'm not very famous, but people might know me from my Magic Stones game (which was featured for 4 days) or my Optimum Paint program (which was recently curated by LS97 for about a week.) From experience, I think I know which projects I would want to select.

First of all, I think that not just the complex, glitchless games should be curated. I would want to select projects that showed effort on the part of the creator. For example, if someone has only shared a few projects and they are of moderate quality, I would be impressed and curate one of them. If someone has shared many projects and are of moderate quality, I wouldn't be as impressed because they have more experience.

Also, I would generally try to select projects from users that I haven't seen on the front page before. That gives the user an opportunity to see what it's like to have lots of views and popularity when before they had only gotten 2 or 3 views per project.

I know that a long essay on my part wouldn't increase my chances of getting the spot, but hey. At least it's better than the people who don't explain themselves.  smile

EDIT: What's this I hear about favorites? When you're curator what do you have to do with them?

Last edited by randalpik (2010-05-11 23:01:02)

My stuff:
Your face: Look at a gopher



#1469 2010-05-12 20:10:31

Registered: 2010-02-05
Posts: 5

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

It would be really cool to be a curator. I've always wanted to do something on the SCratch website because it means a lot to me. My friends did a whole study on Scratch and they told me all these things about it. It helps kids learn math and mechanics. It would be my dream to be a SCratch curator. Please pick me to do it. It means a lot to me. I would put out good projects of many different people. Thanks in advance.
-cupcake162  smile



#1470 2010-05-12 20:59:03

Registered: 2010-05-02
Posts: 2

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

tis would be a great idea! I'll join.



#1471 2010-05-13 16:51:07

Registered: 2009-05-16
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Can I be a curator? I've been on scratch for about a year and would love to be one.
I love games.
<when green flag clicked>
<if><( me <=> curator )>
<repeat( infinite
<say[ THANK YOU SCRATCH TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



#1472 2010-05-13 19:27:53

Registered: 2010-02-20
Posts: 100+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hel-lloooo! The one and only reason I want to be a currator is because i'm sick and tired of all them famous people being on the front page. In terms of projects, I would add any project i feel deserves to be on the front page. I have a 1 project on front page per user max. I'm doing this for other people, not myself. (Okay, maybe a little bit for myself, but still)<( Me+Scratch <=> Happiness )>



#1473 2010-05-14 14:16:39

Registered: 2009-02-27
Posts: 7

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

i would like to become a curator, i would show projects that are good but don't have enough views or love its to  get on the front page.



#1474 2010-05-14 16:46:44

Registered: 2010-04-26
Posts: 54

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to become a curator, I think all scratchers deserve to be on the front page, i would like to get my own projects top loved or featured. but at least i have people viewing my projects everyone deserves to be front paged left scratch! You can still talk to me on though.



#1475 2010-05-14 19:57:58

Retired Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-07-02
Posts: 1000+

Re: Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

- The Curators of Scratch -

(as of 5.14.2010)
I  -  Cheddargirl*           
II  -  Toasty                   
III  -  Jasb
IV  -  Keroro645
V  -  Lanie*
VI  -  Coolstuff
VII  -  Forest
VIII  -  Coka
IX  -  JSO*
X  -  PetVet300
XI  -  Fullmoon
XII  -  Penguinsrock
XIII  -  The-Whiz*
XIV  -  Andresmh**
XV  -  SabGames
XVI  -  ElPapa
XVII  -  Sparks
XVIII  -  MyRedNeptune*
XIX  -  TreacLE_24
XX  -  Illusionist
XXI  -  CoolStuff
XXII  -  Scmb1
XXIII  -  Greenflash
XXIV  -  Chrischb
XXV  -  xXMikeyPXx
XXVI  -  LS97
XXVII - Cupcakebaker126

**Scratch Team

Last edited by illusionist (2010-05-14 19:59:09)



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