So, anything we add, or anything already in there?
Who are the curators anyway?
The only one I know of is Keroro
I assume all the positions are filled, I mean why else arent they accepting anyone new, especially with like 50 curator requests a day.
i would like to be a scratch curator because i no alot of people who have great projects but dont get alot of publicity to them. if i were to be elected as a curator i would put up computer projects like ScratchSoft.
I want to be a Scratch Curator! I would like to choose projects that are related to scratch or just really amazing ones!
Last edited by Thorntalon (2009-07-30 18:28:11)
i think i'd like 2 be a curator i'd pick all kinds of stuff XD Games Animations Tutorials.. lots of different things i like the Art seen on scratch espeicaly (however u spell that)
The-Whiz wrote:
cheddargirl, toasty, keroro645, and Lanie, I think...
I hope I didn't forget anyone...
You missed one - Jasb.
The list of curators (except Lanie at this point) can found on on the web page containing info about Scratch curators ( Lanie will probably be on there when the next curator is selected and takes over.
May i be a curator? i favor in warriors the book series, daikaiju (giant monsters), and military projects.
Hey Scratch team!
Ummm, i would like to be a Curator on the front page because the projects I pick are creative, helpful, fun, funny, the list gose on! But it would be so cool to be a Curator because i also LOVE to enter contest by other members! I think i t would be cool for people who like contests to enter some of my own too. I'll also pick really cool projects to be on the front page, projects like, Games, Music videos, Storys, artesy stuff, the list gose on! Well it would be cool to be a Curator and i hope one day, i'll be picked!
Scratch on!
i think i would be an awesome curator
Could i be a curator? I know i'm new, but i have seen many great games withhardly any views. I would be a great chance to show the scratch community what they're missing.
Ill like to become a quator! i like games that are elaborate, good role play and less glithy
and i always check them before posting.
i wanna be one!
Hi! I'd like to be a curator, but I won't beg. I'm new to this forum stuff so I don't know much about this. But I did look at a project explaining what a curator is- a little bit. How can you start? Please forgive me, I don't know much about this, and I have been on Scratch for almost a year.
can i be a curator-thingy too? please?
No one seems to answer my question: as a curator, are we supposed to pick others projects only or are we allowed to pick our own?
Oldschooler2 wrote:
No one seems to answer my question: as a curator, are we supposed to pick others projects only or are we allowed to pick our own?
A Scratch curator is supposed to pick projects of other Scratch users and add them to his/her favorites in order to be featured. From what I've been told, projects belonging to the Scratch curator will not appear on the curator channel of the front page, regardless if the curator has recently added the project to his/her favorites.
Last edited by cheddargirl (2009-08-02 19:53:36)
I would love to be a scratch curator because I know of many incredible Mario-themed games that have fairly few views and I think that many people would enjoy them.
Raikou wrote:
Hi! I'd like to be a curator, but I won't beg. I'm new to this forum stuff so I don't know much about this. But I did look at a project explaining what a curator is- a little bit. How can you start? Please forgive me, I don't know much about this, and I have been on Scratch for almost a year.
Hi Raikou - welcome to the forums!
There's lots more info about the role of curator here:
If you'd like to be a curator, just tell us you are interested on this thread (as you have already done). It's also helpful to describe the kinds of projects you'd like to show the Scratch community and why.
When picking new curators, we read through this thread to look for friendly and helpful longtime members of the Scratch community. Each curator serves for 2 weeks, so that means there can be only 26 curators per year. So it's important to be patient.
Tarfy14 wrote:
I would like to become a curator because, the really good games on scratch are incredibly hard to find, because so many people are quitting scratch:(
That makes no sense
How can they be incredibly hard to find because so many people arequitting Scratch?
On another note: No they aren't
What makes you think something like that?
Here are my estimates
Only 1 or 2 people quit per day, and they probably don't have that good projects
5 or 6 people join Scratch per day and at least one of those people will have a frontpage material project