Can I be a curator? I'll pick the projects that have been put forth effort and deserve to be front paged like games or movies or animation???
im now a scratcher and now learned more about the forums so I deleted that smiley thing
okay, if you pick me to be curator, i'll pick projects that:
have tons of effort and has less than the views that i expected it to have.
deserves to be front paged.
If remixed then has lots of changes and has credit to original
Examples of projects that seem like they deserve front page.
maximanz-the apple part 1 and 2
t0fu-Rooms concept
I won't pick projects that:
have already been front paged
took less than a minute to make
very low effort
made by people known already to lots of people
Examples of projects NOT going to be curated by me
All of the well known ppl's projects
and that's about it
Joined on march 2011
got kind of popular
known to be nice as some ppl (like The-James-Man in a reply to me in the comments on this project:(link to project)) say
Likes funny stuff and jokes around a lot (except serious stuff)
uses scratch as a hobby and enjoy every bit of it.
hadn't posted a project until june 03,2011
Surprisingly got pretty popular
been top viewed ONCE
not a teen yet.
Likes basketball very much
Go on almost everyday nowadays
so that's why I want to be a curator, to make less known AWESOME scratchers to be known for their awesomness!!!!!! -
ohhh, double post...sorry...
Last edited by Saca312 (2011-08-09 15:17:22)
Saca312 wrote:
Can I be a curator? I'll pick the projects that have been put forth effort and deserve to be front paged like games or movies or animation???
im now a scratcher and now learned more about the forums so I deleted that smiley thing
okay, if you pick me to be curator, i'll pick projects that:
have tons of effort and has less than the views that i expected it to have.
deserves to be front paged.
If remixed then has lots of changes and has credit to original
Examples of projects that seem like they deserve front page.
maximanz-the apple part 1 and 2
t0fu-Rooms concept
I won't pick projects that:
have already been front paged
took less than a minute to make
very low effort
made by people known already to lots of people
Examples of projects NOT going to be curated by me
All of the well known ppl's projects
and that's about it
Joined on march 2011
got kind of popular
known to be nice as some ppl (like The-James-Man in a reply to me in the comments on this project:(link to project)) say
Likes funny stuff and jokes around a lot (except serious stuff)
uses scratch as a hobby and enjoy every bit of it.
hadn't posted a project until june 03,2011
Surprisingly got pretty popular
been top viewed ONCE
not a teen yet.
Likes basketball very much
Go on almost everyday nowadays
so that's why I want to be a curator, to make less known AWESOME scratchers to be known for their awesomness!!!!!! - … 141937.jpg
ohhh, double post...sorry...
good luck!
Saca312 wrote:
Can I be a curator? I'll pick the projects that have been put forth effort and deserve to be front paged like games or movies or animation???
im now a scratcher and now learned more about the forums so I deleted that smiley thing
okay, if you pick me to be curator, i'll pick projects that:
have tons of effort and has less than the views that i expected it to have.
deserves to be front paged.
If remixed then has lots of changes and has credit to original
Examples of projects that seem like they deserve front page.
maximanz-the apple part 1 and 2
t0fu-Rooms concept
I won't pick projects that:
have already been front paged
took less than a minute to make
very low effort
made by people known already to lots of people
Examples of projects NOT going to be curated by me
All of the well known ppl's projects
and that's about it
Joined on march 2011
got kind of popular
known to be nice as some ppl (like The-James-Man in a reply to me in the comments on this project:(link to project)) say
Likes funny stuff and jokes around a lot (except serious stuff)
uses scratch as a hobby and enjoy every bit of it.
hadn't posted a project until june 03,2011
Surprisingly got pretty popular
been top viewed ONCE
not a teen yet.
Likes basketball very much
Go on almost everyday nowadays
so that's why I want to be a curator, to make less known AWESOME scratchers to be known for their awesomness!!!!!! - … 141937.jpg
ohhh, double post...sorry...good luck!
Thanks man!!!! lol, i write too much!!!
hey! i'm waterhorse and i would love to be a curator, 1 of the reasons is because i've never been on the front page. i like just about any projects with animals in them,especially horses. they are projects that are animations,games, or just drawings. here is a project that i really like:
Last edited by WaterHorse (2011-08-09 21:31:29)
WaterHorse wrote:
i like just about any projects with horses in them,they can be animations or just drawings. here is a project that i really like:
never heard anyone say that lol.
(that means it's a good thing)
Last edited by Saca312 (2011-08-09 15:19:45)
Can I be curator?
I'd pick:
complex simulations
complex projects by little known people
AMVs with a lot of remixes
complex games
projects with a lot of effort
(when I say complex, I mean projects with a lot of scripts)
I wouldn't pick:
projects by famous Scratchers(they already have enough projects in the Most viewed, and loved columns)
1 sprite, 1 script projects (unless the script does a lot)
easy-to-win games
coloring contests
projects with little effort
Please pick me!
Last edited by KyleK7 (2011-08-09 15:35:48)
I would love to be curator! I would put strategy and platformers curated.
Im a animate/game creator, never been banned, always willing to help a scratcher, and
and paddle2see's rule, i treat others the way i would like to be treated.
Hoper you pick me as curator!
slinger wrote:
kayybee wrote:
slinger wrote:
I would like to be one! I would nominate projects that are original / are fun to play or watch / are interesting / And don't get very many views or love-its.
Great speech, but the Scratch Team would like to see a bit longer speeches (maybe a paragraph or so) that include why you would like to be curator, and specific projects you might curate.
I'm to lazy XD
Well then you might not get the position.
As I said a few several pages back, they don't NEED everybody to be curator, so it shouldn't be
Fine, I'll be curator.
I'd like to be curator because...
Exquisite speeches get chosen.
And so, if you don't apply effort, you don't get results.
HyperBeam wrote:
I would love to be curator! I would put strategy and platformers curated.
Im a animate/game creator, never been banned, always willing to help a scratcher, and
and paddle2see's rule, i treat others the way i would like to be treated.
Hoper you pick me as curator!
sorry, we aren't accepting new scratchers as curators yet. wait a little while longer and maybe you'll get the position
I am interested in becoming a scratch curator because I want to show scratch the most creative projects.
A lot of projects are really creative but dont get a lot of popularity, I think that should change so that the more creative you are, the more popular you get.
I would love to be a curator on scratch. I like all people and would be happy too
i want to be a curator, to help people get more views, and have more fun on scratch.
I would want to be curator I would pick education projects but also some pretty cool platformers made in scratch.
Saca312 wrote:
SpritesDelux wrote:
I would want to be curator I would pick education projects but also some pretty cool platformers made in scratch.
It's very UNLIKELY for new scratchers to be picked sry.
lol copied me!!!
If at all possible I would like to be a curator.
I like games that are hard but fun. here are some examples: hellicopter 3
But I also like art things like magic pen,
or just about any kind of platformer like infinity platformer
I would be interested in becoming a curator for scratch. I would choose a large variety of projects, such as games, music, art, and animated videos, as I also upload a variety of programs. I would try to be an unbiased judge, yet I like to see the projects of those whom are not very popular. This would give them a moment's glory when they are featured. If I am made a curator, I would immediately begin looking for a few of each of the categories mentioned above, as well as some new, yet amazingly good projects uploaded by all people of all programming styles.
MoonLitePond wrote:
I know you probably get about 100,000,000,000,000 messages a... second from people asking to be curators. I believe I should be a curator. I check out the front page to see what people like.
I can tell if people put a bunch of effort into a scratch project, good or not. So I look out for people who aren't famous, but are more of a person ready to get noticed. People who have talent and need to be encouraged just a little. The big break they've been waiting for.
I get that people get annoyed and quit because their not famous. I want to stop that, basically, at least by helping three people grow. So everybody can be entertained by those people who needed one person in the crowd to shout their name who they weren't best friends with.
I know that it is not as long as other people speeches, but I still hope you pick me. I know I don't chose, but there is a scratcher who needs the push. I just hope I can help her.
That's a really great idea! I hope you get to be curator someday!