I'd like to be a curator to front page things that really deserve more viewing, even if it is a simple project with high quality. I think it will make the creator happy that they will get more views because they have worked very hard, as I said before about simplicity , I could also curate that type because maybe a very basic Scratcher could have worked very hard too.Overall I would curate the projects that I think the creator has worked hard on.
Flubbateios wrote:
I'd like to be a curator to front page things that really deserve more viewing, even if it is a simple project with high quality. I think it will make the creator happy that they will get more views because they have worked very hard, as I said before about simplicity , I could also curate that type because maybe a very basic Scratcher could have worked very hard too.Overall I would curate the projects that I think the creator has worked hard on.
Last edited by scimonster (2011-03-20 05:50:08)
scimonster wrote:
Flubbateios wrote:
I'd like to be a curator to front page things that really deserve more viewing, even if it is a simple project with high quality. I think it will make the creator happy that they will get more views because they have worked very hard, as I said before about simplicity , I could also curate that type because maybe a very basic Scratcher could have worked very hard too.Overall I would curate the projects that I think the creator has worked hard on.
thank you
Its me Imsosuperswell1. I am trying to become Curator again, and I would be a great curator for the following reasons.
1. I would curate all types of projects including games, art, animations, music etc.
2. I would curate projects that are original and unique.
3. I know a LOT of unknown scratchers that make some pretty cool projects.
4. I tend to look at the Show and Tell forum often, and I find pretty cool projects there.
5. I will curate projects that are appropriate and enjoyable for all ages and genders.
6. I am on Scratch all the time.
7. I have been on 5 months and know the site well.
8. I will pick projects that are reasonable to be on the front page.
9. I tend to search for ineresting projects all the time.
10. I help others often and have a nice personality.
Those are all the reasons I should be Curator.
Last edited by imsosuperswell1 (2011-04-17 11:30:59)
imsosuperswell1 wrote:
I would like to be curator for the following reasons.
1. I would curate all types of projects including games, art, animations, music etc.
2. I would curate projects that are original and unique.
3. I know a LOT of unknown scratchers that make some pretty cool projects.
4. I tend to look at the Show and Tell forum often, and I find pretty cool projects there.
5. I will curate projects that are appropriate and enjoyable for all ages and genders.
6. I am on Scratch all the time.
7. I have been on 4 months and know the site well.
Those are all the reasons I should be Curator.
I would like to be curator and these are some stuff about me. The first time I ever tried scratch was when I was 5. When I was 8, I started playing scratch A LOT and now I'm pretty good at it. I am 9 now.
I think I would be a good curator because:
1. I REALLY like scratch and I play for at least 1 hr. a day. When my dad threatens to punish me the biggest punishment is no scratch for [how ever long]
2. I am willing to curate any type of project.
3.I will make sure the person put a lot of work into it
4.I will curate projects that you would not know it could be done on scratch(well, at least you would NEVER put the time into it)
again, i would like to try to become a curator
I want to become curator!
I would curate a variety of marvelous projects, that would be hard, or near impossible to create. I would look for creative use of scripts, lists, and ways to get scratch to do something that doesn't seem possible to do. I will look for good use of variables and scripts and interesting ideas. I will also curate some fantastic art!
arajan wrote:
I want to become curator!
I would curate a variety of marvelous projects, that would be hard, or near impossible to create. I would look for creative use of scripts, lists, and ways to get scratch to do something that doesn't seem possible to do. I will look for good use of variables and scripts and interesting ideas. I will also curate some fantastic art!
I wouldn't recommend art. You should also give a couple examples of projects.
I probably won't add art because it's not programming, I meant an animation with drawings that are good and a lot of effort, sorry for the confusion! An example of something I'd curate would be this http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/CoolerThanIce/1675054
Thanks for the feedback,
I would like to be a curator. I would select only good projects, not 5 minute animations. (And no famous people's stuff. They already get enough publicity.)
imsosuperswell1 wrote:
I would like to be curator for the following reasons.
1. I would curate all types of projects including games, art, animations, music etc.
2. I would curate projects that are original and unique.
3. I know a LOT of unknown scratchers that make some pretty cool projects.
4. I tend to look at the Show and Tell forum often, and I find pretty cool projects there.
5. I will curate projects that are appropriate and enjoyable for all ages and genders.
6. I am on Scratch all the time.
7. I have been on 4 months and know the site well.
Those are all the reasons I should be Curator.
kayybee wrote:
imsosuperswell1 wrote:
I would like to be curator for the following reasons.
1. I would curate all types of projects including games, art, animations, music etc.
2. I would curate projects that are original and unique.
3. I know a LOT of unknown scratchers that make some pretty cool projects.
4. I tend to look at the Show and Tell forum often, and I find pretty cool projects there.
5. I will curate projects that are appropriate and enjoyable for all ages and genders.
6. I am on Scratch all the time.
7. I have been on 4 months and know the site well.
Those are all the reasons I should be Curator.Examples?
As in examples of projects of your favorites, and possibly tell what your theme is about for the projectss you favorited. Links to the projects would greatly help, too. Good luck!
Hiya Scratch Team!
Here goes another go at this! I would love to have the opportunity to be a Scratch curator and devote myself in choosing the well-done yet hardly-known projects. With all my effort, I will curate projects with excellent games that have an interesting twist to the gaming movement and plot. Other types of projects that I would select would be interesting yet glitchless simulations where users could interact and render the sprites around and view with awe.
For instance, one of my favorite projects is Standish123's project, called Circle Guy's Adventure ; I love how he has the multiple presents that the sprite has to collect, making the platform original compared to the common platforms. I would also like to promote projects that have incredible graphics as Standish123's project has.
EagleNinjas’s Bubble game is another favorite. I like how this Scratcher has made a twist to the bubble sprite’s movement with velocity and always moving forward, which gives a wicked yet wonderful gaming to play with! I also enjoy how he applied the scenery to change once the bubble reached the top y position of the screen. I can see how this relates to daily things as well, where bubbles also float to the surface; this aspect of the game makes it more realistic too, adding suspense too with the various obstacles of barnicles and sponge waves!
Furthermore, if I was a curator, I would choose unique yet simple simulations that most people wouldn't think of. The simulation would be creative with perhaps a slider of a variable to change how a sprite animates, grows, and change various colors. It would give a colorful design or unique movement to main sprite! For example, another favorite of mine is Silvester's Simulation. Firework Simulation I enjoy how this user creates a project based on fireworks with creative easy scripting and entertaining to view with, such as the multiple changing colors of the randomly chosen expanding and diminishing looks, which adds a nice effect to the creative concept. I’m also astounded by this simulation’s work of designs it creates when put to the test.
Another example of a recently added favorite is
Roller Coaster Creator . This simulation has a combination of both well done control and effects, and I really like how one is able to create a track by applying effects, changing controls, and creating track with a pen like tool. Figlitblit’s simulation has a real nice touch to realness here too, where one is also able to monitor the roller coaster with E-stop, run, and fix additions to the control system! Another good aspect of this simulation is that it also puts a nice sound input when the roller coaster runs.
Most of the projects that are favorited of mine have very minimum views, and I really believe that hard working projects deserve a chance to be onto front page. I've seen numerous wonderful projects thatt only have five or ten views, but it's obvious that alot of effort has been put into its making. From this point, I wish to bring out great projects back onto front page, especially the ones that are less paid attention towards!!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and your consideration!! Much appreciated.
I would like to become a curator I would probably feature projects with good animation
that make people laugh or are fun to play.
Since my TWO other requests have been ignored, I will apply again!
1. I am persistent, as you can see.
2. I like to pick many different genres and sizes of projects (Though I do prefer animation!)
3. I have many different friends and connections where I can find little-known scratchers with potential.
3. I am extremely active, coming on Scratch nearly every other hour (Except before 10am and after 9pm!) and have been for several months. I don't plan to quit anytime soon.
4. I will try and make sure that the projects chosen run smoothly on both the flash and java player, to some extent.
5. I have a Scratch experience time of 1 year and 4 months, making me a very experienced scratcher who knows what they're doing!
6. My conditions are that the projects I curate will usually have less than 100 views or less than 10 love-its.
7. The projects chosen by me will have a minimal amount of rude or suggestive language.
8. The creator of the projects I would choose would have to have a clean record, and to be friendly.
9. I have seen a lot of great projects that have barely any views, but are great quality.
10. As you can tell, I can be professional (as shown by my correct grammar) as well as fair, but can also be fun!
11. I am very friendlt and social on scratch, and, as I have said, have many friends!
12. Because I am so active, I will be able to pick many projects in my shift, rather than just a few.
13. I will confirm that the creator actually wants to be front-paged, rather than curate their project without permission.
14. I will not always pick a certain project, but a user with many good (yet under-appreciated) projects, and ask the user which project they would like front-paged.
15. I would check on the project several times, to look for unsuitable updates or descriptions, and even offensive comments by the creator. If this was the case, I would have the project removed from the front page, if not from Scratch.
16. I am available through several different contacts including email, and other web accounts, so a user may send me their projects or thoughts in private.
17. The projects I would pick would be one-of-a-kind, rather than resembling another project too much. This way it would be new and fresh.
18. I have many different talents, including drawing, animating and am good at school. This isn't very relevant, I know, but it shows my reliability.
19. I am friendly and supportive, so if any of my curated users feel threataned by criticism, I would help them.
This is why I think I should become a curator on Scratch.
bluerabbit78 wrote:
Since my TWO other requests have been ignored, I will apply again!
1. I am persistent, as you can see. Yes you are!
2. I like to pick many different genres and sizes of projects (Though I do prefer animation!) Only a few though, diversity, remember.
3. I have many different friends and connections where I can find little-known scratchers with potential. Good.
3. I am extremely active, coming on Scratch nearly every other hour (Except before 10am and after 9pm!) and have been for several months. I don't plan to quit anytime soon. Great! Keep it up!
4. I will try and make sure that the projects chosen run smoothly on both the flash and java player, to some extent. So, similar to featured...
5. I have a Scratch experience time of 1 year and 4 months, making me a very experienced scratcher who knows what they're doing! Good, but don't brag.
6. My conditions are that the projects I curate will usually have less than 100 views or less than 10 love-its. Good.
7. The projects chosen by me will have a minimal amount of rude or suggestive language. You mean none. Absolutely 0.
8. The creator of the projects I would choose would have to have a clean record, and to be friendly. Of course!
9. I have seen a lot of great projects that have barely any views, but are great quality. Hasn't everyone...
10. As you can tell, I can be professional (as shown by my correct grammar) as well as fair, but can also be fun! "friendlt" (below)? However, it is good to use proper grammar.
11. I am very friendlt and social on scratch, and, as I have said, have many friends! Above.
12. Because I am so active, I will be able to pick many projects in my shift, rather than just a few. Good.
13. I will confirm that the creator actually wants to be front-paged, rather than curate their project without permission. Who wouldn't want to? Actually, a short story.When I joined Scratch, I did not want to be noticed. I was afraid to click love-it on a project because it showed on the statistics. I favorited them instead.
I suppose this is good, and something I didn't do. (BTW, I switched to an easier-on-the-eyes color for the longer comment.)
14. I will not always pick a certain project, but a user with many good (yet under-appreciated) projects, and ask the user which project they would like front-paged. Good idea!
15. I would check on the project several times, to look for unsuitable updates or descriptions, and even offensive comments by the creator. If this was the case, I would have the project removed from the front page, if not from Scratch. Yes, make sure it stays good. If they add inappropriate stuff, make sure to flag it.
16. I am available through several different contacts including email, and other web accounts, so a user may send me their projects or thoughts in private. But it is against the TOU to give out email...
17. The projects I would pick would be one-of-a-kind, rather than resembling another project too much. This way it would be new and fresh. Yes, let's get diversity!
18. I have many different talents, including drawing, animating and am good at school. This isn't very relevant, I know, but it shows my reliability. Uh, great.
19. I am friendly and supportive, so if any of my curated users feel threataned by criticism, I would help them. Always help new users! "Threataned" should be "threatened."
This is why I think I should become a curator on Scratch.
Thankyou! Thank you
Good speech, I gave my pointers.
Lightnin wrote:
zelda456 wrote:
Why do people suck up?I'm sure that annoys the hell out of the people looking for a curator.It's an online thing your not running for president!Why make promises? Do what you think is right!!!!!
Easy now, no need for quite so many exclamation points.
As we've mentioned before, the best way to request to be curator is to first be a long time and helpful member of the community. For your speech, consider choosing a theme and show a few examples of the kinds of things you like. Although Zelda456 puts it a bit strongly, their point is more or less correct. Just say who you are and what you like.
lol,I forgot about that...Sorry for the Profanities,and the many "!"'s
I'll be an Animator!
HaiiTehReshiram wrote:
I'll be an Animator!
What does that have to do with this topic?
i would love to be a scratch creator.i would be fair.i would put fun yet school related projects.also great projects that deserve more love its and views!!!i just want to help scratch a little.
I would like to be a curator, if possible
i want to feature amazing projects that deserve to be noticed. Sometimes people have totaly amazing projects, but never get more than 50 views. To get noticed, you need views, love its, or remixes. It actualy happens to me. (even though they are not that elaberate XD) Not noticed does not mean not good. Scratch on!
examples of projects I would pick are projects that do things that seem impossible on the outside, but are possible if you resort to creative thinking, projects I've seen that demonstrate this quality are:
I would really, really like to apply for Curator! I would choose games that have a csertain twist, or something special about them, like the project Ice-olated ( http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/theCreat0r/1577537 ) (though it has already been front paged...) It has a very fun and unusual twist to it, because unlike most scrollers, this is more like a platformer, and scrolls upwards, instead of side to side. I would also try to focus on great projects that, though theyre not, should have many more views, because they are so good. I hope I get in, it would make me happy!