I'm thinking....
<when[ Whatever is the fighting key is ]key pressed>
<set{ Fighting }to(1
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if><( <{ Fighting }> <=> 1 )>
<switch to costume[ Fighting
<set{ If anyone gets in the way they die (Or something like that) }to( 1
<wait( Whatever )secsc>
<set{ If anyone gets in the way they die (Or something like that) }to( 0
<switch to costume[ Normal
Then for the enemy:
<when green flag clicked>
<forever if><( <{ If anyone gets in the way they die (Or something like that) }> <=> 1 )>
<if><touching[ You or hero or whatever the player is called
<switch to costume[ Dead
hope that helps!
Last edited by Stickman704 (2009-04-25 15:36:39)