"In this game you have to navigate through a maze with your mouse to get to green dot... Simple right? Wrong, you control the red dot ( you ) with the mouse, to get through the maze before two other AI opponents ( Yellow, And Blue ). If they get to the end before you, you lose! This game features a map editor where, you can make you own mazes, to play against the computer on! It also features a 5 map campaign mode. It may only be five maps but it will take you a while! I wanted to get peoples feedback, on this before I made a larger campaign. Im also going to use some of the things I made for this, in a scratch arena game! CONTROLS (There are a few, lol ) Map Editor Q, change piece, E to place piece W,A,S,D to move In Game R to increase your speed, F to lower it, Mouse to control you "
Well this is my first big game that I actully finished, I think it turned out pretty good. I want some feedback though before I make a bigger version of this game.