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How do you deleat a project from a galleries?
You can't. But if you want to (like me) then go to the link below and say you agree!!
Topic 426 to 7876. Wow - I really posted that along time ago!
Yes, you can. Go to your stuff, check the box on the project you want to remove, than go to the top of the page and select remove from gallery. Then check all the galleries you want to remove it from, and hit okay. A message should appear at the top of the page saying *Project(s) removed from theme(s)*.
Sawman3 wrote:
Yes, you can. Go to your stuff, check the box on the project you want to remove, than go to the top of the page and select remove from gallery. Then check all the galleries you want to remove it from, and hit okay. A message should appear at the top of the page saying *Project(s) removed from theme(s)*. … atar15.gif
you can only take your projects out, and i have that falling down avvy to!
Yes. You can only remove YOUR projects from galleries you are subscribed too. If you own a gallery, you can not remove projects other people added.
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