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#1 2009-04-22 19:43:05

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 11

How does Safesearch work? Can I turn it off?

I think the search feature is the most frustrating part of the Scratch website.  Yesterday, I was hosting a Scratch Seminar for my fellow students.  It was great, but we had the worst time trying to search for their recently uploaded projects during the demonstration period at the end.  Searching for the exact username or the name of the project returned no results and no one could search for the gallery that I had made.  Everyone had to search for my user name and leave me a comment somewhere so I could use the link to their pages.
Does Safesearch filter out some results?  After every search, it displays the number of results "with Safesearch on."  Is there a way to turn this feature off?  Would that make it possible to search for new users and new projects?



#2 2009-04-24 21:49:10

Registered: 2007-07-04
Posts: 1000+

Re: How does Safesearch work? Can I turn it off?

If you want to find a user's page, go to[username here]. It takes you right to their MyStuff page.

The search feature can be annoying, I agree. I hope they improve it.

I'm taking a break from Scratch until 2.0 comes out. Any messages sent between then and now probably won't be read - sorry.
(Oct. 20, 2011)



#3 2009-04-25 03:38:55

Community Moderator
Registered: 2007-06-23
Posts: 1000+

Re: How does Safesearch work? Can I turn it off?

The Scratch Search feature is actually Google search. Googlebots pass pages (not sure about the number) +- once per week and then the page is added to the search results.

So, when you create new users, with new projects, google can't find them.

As hmnwilson said, type in to find a user and its projects.



#4 2009-04-25 10:03:06

Community Moderator
Registered: 2008-03-06
Posts: 1000+

Re: How does Safesearch work? Can I turn it off?

Yes, it can be annoying. Perhaps a great idea would be for a "users" page, just like the "projects" and "galleries", and there could be featured users. There could be a little textbox at the top where you could just type in a user's name and it would lead you directly to their page (like this).



#5 2009-06-23 17:50:40

Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 11

Re: How does Safesearch work? Can I turn it off?

Thanks for the advice.  I'm sure it will come in handy.



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