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#1 2009-04-22 04:17:11

Registered: 2009-04-22
Posts: 2

How do i shoot? desperate for help

I really need help on how to shoot



#2 2009-04-22 04:18:16

Registered: 2009-04-22
Posts: 2

Re: How do i shoot? desperate for help

Oh and i would like to know how to scroll



#3 2009-04-22 04:47:13

Scratch Team
Registered: 2007-10-27
Posts: 1000+

Re: How do i shoot? desperate for help

Here's a couple of tutorials on shooting that you might find helpful:

There are many tutorials on scrolling but I like this discussion:

Good luck!



#4 2009-04-24 11:54:39

Registered: 2009-03-20
Posts: 2

Re: How do i shoot? desperate for help

To shoot:

Create a sprite bullet
Put in this script:
<when green flag clicked>
<repeat until><key[shoot button or mouse down]pressed?>
<go to[gun sprite]
<repeat until><<  <touching[ edge<or><touching[ enemy sprite/colour  >>
<move(5?  )steps>
If this doesn't work sorry

Try out the beta of [url= Poly[/url]full version coming soon!



#5 2009-05-05 07:27:46

Registered: 2008-01-28
Posts: 1

Re: How do i shoot? desperate for help

Good thinking, but what if they meant they wanted to know how to shoot? I have the answer: it depends on the gun. For a Remmy shotgun, which is awesome, just push the shotgun shells into the slot on the bottom, pushing the outward part of the slot cover first to unlock it for the shell to go in. Repeat 3 times, then pull back the cock, and if the shotgun shells are too light or the gun old and falling apart, find ways to push the cock back to where it was before you pulled it. Next, point the barrel of the gun towards the part of your computer messed up by Bill Gates, and pull the trigger. The Remmy fires it's four shells semi-automatically, so you do not need to pull back the cock after each shot. Just after each loading of a shell. For the pistol, when you hold it in your right hand, you will notice a button on the opposite side of the gun than the one the palm of your hand is touching. Press the button, and if you pressed the correct button, you won't be dead, and if there was a clip to eject, it will come out. On the clip there is a slideable piece that gets pushed to the top by a spring. You should also notice a hole in the top that would fit the contours of the bullet well if you load it the correct way. Slide down the slider a bit and load a bullet in the correct way. You can choose to put more bullets in, or continue to the next step, but don't put bullets in the bottom of the clip and leave the clip in a fire. Next: load the clip into the same part of the gun it came out of, in the same direction and rotation as it came out of the gun with. Next: pull back the cock on the pistol, which most commonly is the top of the gun. You will notice that you can see a bullet shifting higher, into the barrel, when you do this. You will also notice that the barrel does not slide back with the top piece of the cover you pulled back. Both of these happenings are normal and ok, and do not try to push the barrel back with the cover. Once you have done this, point the barrel of the gun at an AIG CEO's head at point blank range, only if your gun has a caliber of .22 or higher, otherwise, point at pigeons pooing on your car. Next: pull the trigger. IMPORTANT NOTE: NONE OF THESE STEPS WORK EXCEPT CLIP EJECTION, CLIP INJECTION, AND SHELL INJECTION MAYBE WHEN THE SAFETY SWITCH IS ON. If you notice that you have completed the steps with the saftety on, your safety is broken. If you notice you have completed the Remmy steps for a pistol, you will notice that you can only load one shot, instead of four. If you notice you have done the pistol steps for a Remmy, you either skipped the clip ejection step or you broke or rattled loose pieces of your shotgun. Upon breaking your shotgun in this way, do not attempt to fire it unless you need to, until you fix it. You may be wondering about which shotgun shell is the best. You may have heard of the deer slug, which is a wicked, single, big hunk of metal bullet when fired. This is indeed not the best shotgun shell ever. There are shells in which the traditional lead pellets or slug are replaced by a grenade, which can be customized for shrapnel, explosion size, and stunning properties. They are the best shells ever told about to the public. If you can't get them, get deer slug and lead pellet shells and see what uses and abilities each shell type has. And what about Winston, eh? Here are the instructions for Winston-like shotuns: find the thing that opens the barrel from the back, put the shell in the back, and close the back end of the barrel the way it opened, but, like, in reverse. Now your Winston should fire when you pull the trigger. If you closed up the front end of the barrel instead of the back end, your gun will not fire when you pull the trigger. If you closed up both ends very tightly, your gun will explode when you pull the trigger, or, if you sealed the hammer into one position, it will not fire. If you sealed the trigger in one position, you will have more difficulty with pulling the trigger. If you made a Street Sweeper out of sealing materials, I am not sure how to help you fire that. I do know that the Street Sweeper has a drum clip like a Tommy gun, that is loaded with shotgun shells, and fires them fully automatically. How to fire a rifle: load the bullets in like you would with shotgun shells for a shotgun, then pull back the cock, push it into previous place if the spring does not do it, aim at a button that dumps a person into a tank of water, and pull the trigger. How to fire a revolver that swings the revolving bullet holder out of place for bullet changing: push the revolving part out of place, hold on to bullets that have not been expended or broken while shaking the others out, fill in the holes that bullets fit into that don't already have bullets in them with bullets of the correct type and size, and push the revolving part back into place. Make sure a bullet is aligned with the barrel ahead of it. Next, aim at Global Warming, and pull the trigger. To use a moon clip to accelerate the reloading process, push the revolving part out of place, shake the bullets out, put the side of the moon clip that bullets come out of to the side of the revolving part that you shook the used bullets out of, make sure the moon clip is above the revolving part, align the moon clip with the revolving part to let the bullets fall from the moon clip into the revolving part, close the revolving part back into place, align a bullet inside the revolving part with the barrel ahead of it, aim at lies, and pull the trigger. For revolvers that use a revolving part that does not swing out of place, I can give you this great advice for when you toy around with it to figure out how it works: DO NOT LOAD A BROKEN, BENT, OR SANDY BULLET INTO IT! I don't expect that you should expect to ever be able to unjam that type of gun, so make sure you do not jam it. For AK47: there should be a thing near the clip that you can squeeze before you let your grip fall to the clip itself. The thing should unlock the clip from the AK47. Load the new clip in to the same place the old clip came out of, and then pull back the cock. If the spring did not push the cock into normal place, do so manually. Next, aim at disinformation, and pull the trigger. If the clip you put into the gun had bullets in it,  the gun should fire. For a FULL MACHINE GUN, like, the very old type of machine gun that rests on two legs of a stand, flip a thing holding down the empty string of bullet holders in place, take the empty bullet holder line out of the gun, place the new line of bullets with the start at the chomping thing that held down the last line of bullet holders, and then push down the chomping thing onto the new string of bullets. you might need to crank something to get the bullet string going through, or just pull the trigger to do it, but anyways it will be VERY loud. Remmy might be less loud, and certainly wins on ear softness in the long run, because it doesn't leave you with that pain and ear ringing noise Winston does, unless you had absolutely no idea the Remmy was about to fire, and fires right next to your head. So, do you think Remmy, with its four semi-automatically fired shots of heavier shells would have more recoil and arm damaging factor than a single shot from the Winston? You would be wrong about that, and that is another reason to like Remmy. I have fired a Remmy, Winston, a 0.07 caliber pistol, some sort of rifle that fires the same puny shots as the pistol, but without a clip, another shotgun that I forgot about except that it is like the Remmy but with more arm damaging factor, more noise, more recoil, and a suggested shell that is lighter, plus, less than semi-automatic. So, sir, does that answer your burning question, jdsmooth1990?



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