Help! in Scratch, when i want the "wait () secs" block to be "wait (5.69) secs" it goes to "wait (5.6899999999999995) secs" !!!!! why does it do that?! please help!!!!!!!!
Weird. Are you sure you didn't accidentaly press 8 and held 9 (or maybe the key's stuck)?
EDIT: Wait, there's a 5 there... Does this ALWAYS happen when you type 5.69?
Last edited by technoguyx (2009-04-19 16:56:45)
Happens to me too. It also happens when the number before the decimal is 4, 6 or 7, but only those.
I have no idea what's going on, but they should fix it for 1.4.
Some fractional numbers can't be represented exactly by the binary coding that Scratch uses internally to store the number. The result is that you get an approximate value when you try to display them. It is a common problem with almost all computer languages.
Defentily not a serious glitch.