Looking back over some of the Scratch projects that I did last year, I find some text files that contain a description of the program followed by material such as the following:
2008-5-9 18:49:40 save zz-test01
2008-5-11 08:52:34 save OpeningText01
2008-5-11 08:59:26 save OpeningText01
2008-5-11 08:59:58 save OpeningText01
2008-5-11 12:07:35 save OpeningText01
Sprites: 1
Stacks: 1
Unique costumes: 6
Unique sounds: 2
Sprite: Stage
Costumes (1):
moon (480x360)
Sounds (1):
pop (0:00:00)
No stacks.
Sprite: Boy
Costumes (5):
boy4-walking-a (110x180)
boy4-walking-b (110x180)
boy4-walking-c (110x180)
boy4-walking-d (110x180)
boy4-walking-e (110x180)
Sounds (1):
pop (0:00:00)
Stacks (1):
when green flag clicked
switch to costume
I can't remember what I did to produce that file. Can someone tell me?
Dick Baldwin