kcdscratch wrote:
Dom818 wrote:
GammaGames wrote:
have it for ds! I would buy it! you could make, or play games. Scripts go on bottom screen, game o ntop. Press select to switch screens.
I have a DS version of Scratch. It is very close to how you described it too.
How did you get/make it compatible for the DS?
I remade the Scratch program in a DS programming language called PAlib.
I try to use Scratch on my iPhone via LogMeIn and it works fine.
LogMeIn is a kind of remote desktop software such as VNC. It runs on Windows, Mac, Windows Mobile and iPhone.
Here is a movie:
Well to give you guys a low-down on how well scratch 1.4 works on the fastest dell axim(or at least it was).
Dell axim X30 (windows ce 2003?)
Intel PXA270(624mhz ARM)
res: 320x240
64mb ram
64 mb rom
Test 1: scratch 1.1(theory that less features would make it go faster)
1. could move blocks on to work area, but only showed enough of the screen to see the block selection area, the logo and the open and new buttons.
Speed was quite good on 8.5 mb of ram
Sounds play, projects open, can(probably) be run in a modified image where you can move scratch around
Test 2: scratch 1.4
Mobile mode worked... with the 'ception that the open button was blocked by the "presentation mode" button
Could create cat sprites, capture regions of screen for new sprites.
could reach the paint editor.
could not reach the accept or color changing buttons.
ram went low when I started painting, but otherwise no major issues, as newer devices will have more ram. Dang, I really wanted to test a project! Maybe next version.. Anyways, the 'sprite area' was fine, transitioned quite well. 320x240 would be more ideal if scratch was slightly modified to remove the fill screen and the 'bigger sprite area' buttons, or so at least the open button was pressable so that it could be used as a player.
Test 3: Softboard
Scratch On Iphones Yes!! :d
cds56 wrote:
Okay, I've got the layout down, but the opening of projects is not working for some reason....
Please, please share the image... We might be able to work together, I have two windows mobile devices lying around - a cheap no-brand GPS with Windows Mobile 2003SE, and a HTC phone with Windows Mobile 6.5 . It would be so cool to make it work
JSO, maybe this sticky should be for Scratch on any device, not just portable ones? Sometimes people suggest Scratch for the Xbox and Wii...
I made it for portable devices, because the thread is more focussing on how a portable Scratch app would look. A Wii/Xbox/PS/Wathever version should have a totally different design
But you might be right...
The psp's internet will always stink, but if they had a more variety of things like how the Iphone's can have multiple app lists they could have some kind of scratch- or I could just use scratch on the internet when it's made.
Last edited by Greenboi (2010-02-24 11:09:17)
I have several ideas on how to do this:
- ScratchLite, for computers with very little memory, tablet PC's and iPad, iTouch, iPhone.
- Scratch Mobile, for mobile phones (cell phones) with large(ish) screens and a fair amount of memory.
- Scratch Player, for computers where people just want to view projects and for mobile phones (cell phones).
- Scratch Converter, to formats such as Java, Flash, etc. Main formats used on the web.
- eScratch, online version of Scratch for using online or on phones with an internet browser.
A tablet/mulit-touch version of Scratch might be quite good too seeing as touch/tablet PCs are becoming quite big now!
it would be
Hi all!
A Scratch App for the iPhone and iPod touch was released by a fan of Scratch,
It costs $3.99 though...
blueblue wrote:
I definitely like this idea, like a scratch DSiware app. It could really bring scratch to the spotlight. But before this is considered, some technical improvements need to be made to scratch, like creation of 3-D models, 3-D movement and rotation, camera sprites (display on the screen what it is touching,) vector graphics, and save files for games. Right now, I'd be happy with save files and vector software, but in the meantime, things like this should be done to make scratch more popular.
no, it would be too complex then; scratch is meant to be a simle GUI language
JSO wrote:
A Scratch App for the iPhone and iPod touch was released by a fan of Scratch,
Wow. I rushed to buy and test it. It works! Of course it's a little bit slow (it's based on iSqueak and machine's power is too poor) and some functions are dropped. But I'm imagining what we can do with it. In near future, we might have other many mobile machines that can run Scratch or other simple language. It will change the world.
It costs $3.99 though...
It's 450 yen (about $5) in Japan...
Last edited by abee (2010-03-10 02:47:24)
blueblue wrote:
I definitely like this idea, like a scratch DSiware app. It could really bring scratch to the spotlight. But before this is considered, some technical improvements need to be made to scratch, like creation of 3-D models, 3-D movement and rotation, camera sprites (display on the screen what it is touching,) vector graphics, and save files for games. Right now, I'd be happy with save files and vector software, but in the meantime, things like this should be done to make scratch more popular.
That would need some money, and the DSiWare would have to be licensed by Nintendo.
Hey guy's I'v read all your comments i'v checked on the app store but where is it?
you could play scratch games on psp if you could find a way to convert it to a .ISO format but you would have to find a way of controling it
Maybe ipads but iphones and ipod touches just cant work. the screen is too small and your finger is too big!
i think you should be able to publish it
and i wona know if you can make them into ipod touch apps
also can you suggest ideas to the maker cause i got some good ideas
like in the scrip part having files you can name with scripts in them to make it cleaner
nd making one for bounsing of other sprites too
JSO wrote:
Hi all!
A Scratch App for the iPhone and iPod touch was released by a fan of Scratch,
It costs $3.99 though...
And it's not available in the US store...
TheBrickster wrote:
JSO wrote:
Hi all!
A Scratch App for the iPhone and iPod touch was released by a fan of Scratch,
It costs $3.99 though...And it's not available in the US store...
It is completely removed
(updating the first post)
JSO wrote:
There was a Scratch app for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch available but Apple removed it
thats just a project viewer, I sure am glad I snaged it before it was removed.