Hey ppl Meganluck123 and I, annoyingboy, are starting a magazine called Scratch Entertainment Weekly. We need help on ideas for it so if you could leave a comment on the project linked below we we would love to include it. Thanx!
Here's the link: (http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/annoyingboy/460548)
take a look at our other projects too!
annoyingboy wrote:
Hey ppl Meganluck123 and I, annoyingboy, are starting a magazine called Scratch Entertainment Weekly. We need help on ideas for it so if you could leave a comment on the project linked below we we would love to include it. Thanx!
Here's the link: (http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/annoyingboy/460548)
take a look at our other projects too!
Need help plz!