I recently posted a version of Lunar Lander that works fine in Scratch but doesn't start properly in the Java viewer.
Is there a way I can get the Java source locally so I can debug the applet version?
Update: the Java console reports "doesn't like true as input in eval-comparision" when the game freezes. I assume this means I've got a bad conditional in my program somewhere.
I have downloaded ScratchViewer.jar. I would like to decompile the source and debug in NetBeans to track this problem further. Is this a problem, legally?
I fixed the bug . The problem was a pair of assignment statements of the form:
set myVarible to (x < 3), or
<set{ myVariable }to( <( x <<> 3 )>
I expected (x < 3) to evaluate to a true/false value that would be cast to an appropriate type for the 'set' statement. The fact that I was allowed to plug the green block into the orange 'set' block reinforced this. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
The source code of the Scratch program, the ScratchAplett and some other things is available at http://scratch.wik.is/Source_Code.