I typed the number 1.333333333 into a subtraction block in scratch, but it automatically changes to 1.3333333330000001 .
I can see why this is happening due to scratch's incapability to cope with 1/3, but the number I typed isn't 1/3 ? It's not really a massive problem, just a little glitch which could be fixed very easily. I'm sorry I don't have a screen capture video.
Last edited by djmoomoo (2009-03-10 14:05:56)
Many floating point numbers that you enter into a computer have to be represented as an approximation due to the limitations of the storage scheme...how the base 10 number with integer and fractional portions maps into the base 2 pattern of ones and zeros (of fixed length) that the computer uses to store it.
Boy was that a long and awkward sentence. Sorry about that! Wanted: a good technical writer to clean that up.