Ok, so i have made my own game on Scatch, as a school project.
i've made a start menu, and then it goes into a short story, this game is based on mario.
basicly, Bowser appears (bad guy) and fires a fire ball. your aim is to get mario to jump into bowser, and you get 1 point, when you get 5 points you complete the game.
I've animated Mario, jumping and everything i just don't know how to make the ball go to the other side, then once it hits the other side... go back to Bowser so he fires another, so he's costantly fireing fire balls. I'm also not sure how to make it so once he hits into bowser, he gains a point, then goes back to the other side of the screen. (if you know what i mean?)
Like maybe if you posted the scripts?
This sounds like a fun project and you have great questions. When you want to have several actions like this, one way to learn how to program them is to find projects with similar actions. You can download them and see what the scripts are like. Searching for tutorials also works. Check out these two with advice on shooting:
Here is a simple way to keep score. Can the "if touching" and variable be modified to fit your needs?
That's my script.
I 'triggered it' if you like, so that he would say HAHAHA! like every second or so, each time fireing a fireball.
I didn't make them press the space bar because it was the enemy.
I also put -10 because the enemy was on the left side.
IF you want, i will upload the project - that's after i hand it in as homework
Here are bowsers scripts:
<when green flag clicked>
<repeat until><( <{points }> <>> 5 )>
<wait(<pick random( 2 )to( 5 )secsc>
<say[ HAHAHAHAH! ]for( 2 )secs>
Here are the fireballs scripts:
<when green flag clicked>
<repeat until><( <{points }> <>> 5 )>
<point towards( mario
<repeat until><touching[ edge
<move( 5 )steps>
here are mario's scripts
<when green flag clicked>
<repeat until><( <{points }> <>> 5 )>
<if><touching[ bowser
<change{ points }by( 1
<wait until><< <not> >><touching[ bowser
I moved this to "All About Scratch".