Draw a background, and make the platforms all the same color. Make your character's feet a different color. Then, give your character this script.
(Sorry I'm not using the blocks in the Scratch Blocks thing)
When Green Flag Clicked
Forever if Not Color (Color you used for feet) Is Touching (Color you used for platforms)
Change Y by (steps)
This will make your character fall until it lands on a platform. Make steps bigger for it to fall faster.
Hope this helps.
daydreamgirl wrote:
Draw a background, and make the platforms all the same color. Make your character's feet a different color. Then, give your character this script.
(Sorry I'm not using the blocks in the Scratch Blocks thing)
When Green Flag Clicked
Forever if Not Color (Color you used for feet) Is Touching (Color you used for platforms)
Change Y by (steps)
This will make your character fall until it lands on a platform. Make steps bigger for it to fall faster.
Hope this helps.
improvement on script:
When Green Flag Clicked
change y by var grav
if (Not Color (Color you used for feet) Is Touching (Color you used for platforms))
Change var grav by -1
Set var gav to 0
using this its possible to easily aply jumping
if <(var grav=0) and (Key up is pressed)>
grav = 5
Last edited by yambanshee (2009-02-27 13:50:02)
how do you get the 'if not' block?? I don't seem to have it... :S
<if> << <not> >>