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#1 2009-02-06 12:44:19

Registered: 2007-08-11
Posts: 100+

Tutorial / Intro to 3d graphics for scratch.

I made a spinning 3d text project and template/tutorial on how to customize it in Blender (a free 3d program) and add the animation to Scratch.

I wanted the process and instructions to be as simple and clear as possible.
Perhaps this could be helpful to educators as a basic intro to 3d graphics?

I'm open to any feedback on how this could be better/useful.


Here's the text from inside the 3d template file:

`Spin me' template for Scratch
and basic Blender tutorial. Feb 6, 2009

By: AddZero
* To Change the 3d text:
1. Right-Click a Text Object at right. (If an object is selected, it will have a purple outline.)
2. To go into Edit Mode, Click the "Object Mode" Selector button at the lower right, and change it to "Edit mode" (The TAB button on your keyboard also switches between these modes.)
3. Now you have a Text cursor. and this works much like any other text program. Backspace to delete, then type what you want to say!
4. When you are done, change back to "Object Mode" (do the same for the other text object.)

* To change the Text color:   
1. Change the "Buttons" window below to "Shading" if it is not already. (You can also use the F5 key.)
2. You should see a Red rectangle next to "Col" Click it to bring up a color

* To render a test image without saving anything:
   Press Render in top menu, then "Render Current
   Frame" or F12. Press ESC When done or to cancel.

* To Render the animation to image files and put in scratch:

1. Save this Blender file to somewhere, like your "My Documents" folder, so you can find it easily later. (Click "File", "Save As")
2. Click "Render" at the top menu, then click "Render Animation" (or Ctrl+F12)

Be patient, this may take an hour or more to render.  You can minimize and continue using your other programs while you wait. If you need to cancel press ESC.

This will make a new folder called: "3D Text Animation" in the same folder you saved this blender file. (if it doesn't already exist) and write 124 .jpg files. if you already ran this before, it will write over those files.

3. Download my "Spin Me Template" from the Scratch Website and open in Scratch.
4. Delete the included sprite by right-clicking the sprite below and choosing "Delete"
5. With Windows explorer (Start, My Documents) or however you browse files on your computer, find Where you saved this file, and the new "3D Text"
6. Select all these jpeg files, press Ctrl+A
7. move/resize your windows so you can see your file browser and the middle of Scratch. (You do not need to be in the costumes tab.)
8. Click and Drag the selected icons to the middle of Scratch.
9. Press the green flag and give it a spin!


You can Add a Monkey head to the scene:
With your cursor over the 3d window at the right, press the space bar. Move your mouse to "Add" -> "Mesh" -> "Monkey"

(Objects will be placed where the 3d Cursor is.
(The red and white striped circle.) To move the 3d cursor, click where you want it.)

Moving, Rotating and Scaling Objects:
You can move any object when it is selected by clicking the "red", "green", or "blue" arrows. Or, put your cursor over the object, press the "g" key to grab, the "r" key to rotate and the "s" key to scale. Then move your mouse, click when you're
happy, or ESC to cancel.

Remember you can Undo with Ctrl+Z and Redo with Ctrl+Shift+Z. and you can always reload the file if something goofy happens.

Rotating and moving the 3d viewport:
1. Put your mouse over the viewport.
2. To rotate the view, click and drag with your middle mouse button.
3. To pan, or move side to side and up and down, hold the shift key, then middle mouse drag.
4. To zoom, move your mouse wheel up and down.
5. To change the view to the Top, Front or Side, press "7", "1", or "4" on your number key pad. (or also hold Control to get the reverse view, Bottom, Back and other side.)
5. You can can change back to the Active camera with the "0" button on your key pad. (notice that you could see the camera object when you were looking around? you can select and move it like another object.)

This file is very limited.  It's setup for blurred spinning objects for the Scratch Template.

If you want to do more, start a new file.  In this file, the camera
animation is setup in various Scenes, and screens.

That's the end of this basic Blender Tutorial. Did you enjoy it?  Do you want more? Search for "Bender Video Tutorials" and visit the forums for help.

Keep on Scratching and Blending!



#2 2009-02-06 13:16:24

Registered: 2007-12-13
Posts: 100+

Re: Tutorial / Intro to 3d graphics for scratch.

Nicely done -- I'm sure that will come in handy for those interested in trying out the realm of 3D. Always appreciate your work.


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