6.5: Past Tense and Consonant Merging
The past is formed in -ant (-anne- with a suffix). Needless to say, this also cancels vowel harmony.
Example: Ithildir han hébant Isildur kept it
Example: Hein galannar they grow
Certain final consonants before the stem will merge to form the past.
d » nt (nne-)
b » mp (mme-)
g » nc (ŋe-)
Notice that the ŋ is used in the same pattern as the double-n and m. This is why it is on the same row as them in the Tengwar.
Example: Narvi hain echant Narvi made them
Example: han siŋech you stabbed it
Example: sammen I dug
Also is given the near past, which is formed in -i; this can have a suffix added to it.
Example: nallin I (just) called
Example: ho eglechi he went into exile
Last edited by SmartIrishKid (2009-03-24 15:35:14)
6.6: Infinitives
The infinitive is formed in -ad (-id with i stems).
Example: avad to deny.
Example: derid to stop
The verbal noun is formed in -ad, -ed, -eth (-ith with i stems).
Example: govanneth a meeting
Example: Minas Tirith City of Watch(ing)
6.7: Participles
The active present participle is formed in -l, -el (after i)
Example: en edhel linnol the singing elf
Example: en filigon blebiel the flapping bird
The active near past participle is formed in -iel.
Example: e chalad caliel the light having (just) shone
The active past participle is formed in -nniel (-iel extended off of the past suffix). This changes to -nniel, -mmiel, or -ŋiel when the past merges.
Example: edhel lirniel an elf having sung
Example: en orch siŋiel the orc having stabbed
The passive participle (adjectival verb) is formed in -en.
Example: e thew teithen the written letter
6.8: Miscellaneous Prefixes/Suffixes
The negative is formed in ú-.
Example: údartho do not stay
The verbal causative is formed in -to, -tho, -io.
Example: belo die » beltho kill
Example: eglechi go into exile » eglechio exile
The noun/adjective causative is formed in -io.
Example: per a half » perio halve
Ability is shown with -rial.
Example: medi count » aes medrial edible food
Lesson 6 Review
Build your own sentences with all you have learned so far. Experiment with different verb/noun combinations. This is fun once you get used to it!
Last edited by SmartIrishKid (2009-03-24 20:37:27)
ok i like lord of the rings i've read the hobbit and the felowship of the ring is there any website that can teach me elvish?
hirandomperson wrote:
ok i like lord of the rings i've read the hobbit and the felowship of the ring is there any website that can teach me elvish?
I posted a few a while ago. You can learn from here, as well.
adityasm9 wrote:
I want to learn!
Lucky you! There are lessons within this thread.
You have just completed my Sindarin Elvish course! For additional information and complete wordlists, including a full list of prefixes and suffixes, go to:
This link also has instructions for Tolkien's High-elvish, Quenya. However, none of the rules in my course apply to it.
Hi lasto nin, Scratiorrim--Narbas hi peda Edhelen!!! Eglerio!
Now hear me, all Scratchers--Toasty now speaks Elvish!!! Congratulations!
I know. But it's fun.
SmartIrishKid wrote:
I know. But it's fun.
yeah! but its confuzzaling me brain.
Confuzzaling. I'll add that to my english dictionary.
By the way, I have to memorize this!? Here is what I remember:
bein:fair(in appearance)
And that is all.
This means to highlight.
(by the way, I once entertained myself with a story about a young prince whose last name was Aran
and he had a father known as king Aran, before I knew about elvish )
hi here im trying to learn the elvish language from sites... your lessons is nice! but the first alphabet i found from english to elvish and i think it help me is Tengwar alphabet i think... (at http://www.starchamber.com/paracelsus/elvish/elvish-in-ten-minutes.html ) and i like it. i need help coz i want to make a tattoo in elvish language and i need someone to translate it without mistakes.... i hope u can give me a hand
katiOni wrote:
hi here im trying to learn the elvish language from sites... your lessons is nice! but the first alphabet i found from english to elvish and i think it help me is Tengwar alphabet i think... (at http://www.starchamber.com/paracelsus/elvish/elvish-in-ten-minutes.html ) and i like it. i need help coz i want to make a tattoo in elvish language and i need someone to translate it without mistakes.... i hope u can give me a hand
Sure! What do you want translated?
Can you teach me?
Can u help me learn Sindarin? I've got the basics down. I just need help with Forming sentences and learning more words.