Firstly I've been really impressed by the reponse I've got in previous posts, thanks heaps for all you help.
But once again I've set my mind on something out of my skill limits.
I'm looking at making something that you draw between dots. If you've heard of Isometric Paper, that's what I'm going for. Something that the mouse jumps from dot to dot, a draws a straight line between two. There's my first two problems.
1. Can you program your mouse to lock onto the CLOSEST sprite, or ideally, color? So if I were to create a pen sprite, it could draw from that dot?
2. Can you draw straight lines? Starting at one point and drawing straight out at any angle, length determined by how far the mouse is from the starting point?
I'm not sure if either is possible in Scratch, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by Inkstand (2009-01-26 00:12:15)
Sorry, there's no way to control where the mouse goes in scratch without actually moving it.
But you can make a straight line by making the pen sprite start from one point, then when you touch one dot, make it jump to the next dot (with a <go to[ [/blocks] or [blocks]<go to x )y
[/blocks] block) and it'll draw a straight line. Hope that's what you wanted...
While reading your comment it occured to me I could simply click on one dot, then another to draw a line between them... I think. Thanks for the help Much Appreciated.