I'd like to know if I'd officaly joined yet . Crank_INC is running well, as I see. I'm working on a project dedicated to Crank_INC.
I live in the pacific time zone, so there must be a difference between us.
If I get into Crank_INC, what place shall I have? I'll tell you useful information:
Able to work with vairalbes easily
I know an easy way to scroll
I have many ideas
I never give up at a project
I have lots of free time at scratch (2 hours average)
I love modifing people's projects
My dad tells me that I program like a 17 year old
I visit the scratch website 1 hour a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
Greatdane wrote:
My dad tells me that I program like a 17 year old
Parent always behave like that. Don't believe 'em.
thank you! I enjoy working in it.
Greatdane wrote:
I'd like to know if I'd officaly joined yet . Crank_INC is running well, as I see. I'm working on a project dedicated to Crank_INC.
I live in the pacific time zone, so there must be a difference between us.
If I get into Crank_INC, what place shall I have? I'll tell you useful information:
Able to work with vairalbes easily
I know an easy way to scroll
I have many ideas
I never give up at a project
I have lots of free time at scratch (2 hours average)
I love modifing people's projects
My dad tells me that I program like a 17 year old
I visit the scratch website 1 hour a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
That's great I'll add you to our company. Congratulations, your place will be sub-side-scroller expert. You'll do great, and welcome to Crank_INC! Enjoy your job!
Heliosa wrote:
Hey why am i not on staff page here?!!
Perhaps you joined Crank inc. after this topic was created. We should ask boss to put you on the staff page. ^^
Heliosa,it doesn't matter if your name is shown,if you do good i am sure you will be recondised.
http://scratch.mit.edu/forums/viewtopic … 041#p11041
Last edited by adriangl (2007-11-08 19:47:12)
How do you join a gallery??
Want to play intense battle game against the devil?
There are two different notions of "joining a gallery".
One: putting the gallery on your "My stuff" page so that you can get to it quickly. This is basically the same as bookmarking. It can be done with the "bookmark gallery" button on the gallery page.
Two: submitting your project to the gallery. If the gallery has been set up to permit you to add projects, you go to the gallery and use the "add my projects" button.
If you love crank_inc and you really want to be in it and you are not in it try coming to my forum CRANK_INC! #2.and SonicPops if you think there are to many people in your thing talk to me if you would like to ntransfer them to CRANK_INC! #2.Just saying
There's never too much people in Crank inc. Also because most of them aren't active.
Sonicpops, dreadful news coming. If you don't like dreadful news, don't read it.
I have downloaded Scratch Beta 1.2 for testing, and the website doesn't support it yet.
I cannot open scratch 1.1, therefore, I cannot upload any projects to the website. I would have to wait until the website supports Scratch 1.2 , which would be in December, or I come up with a way to avoid Scratch 1.2 and work on 1.1.
Hi Greatdane
Greatdane wrote:
I have downloaded Scratch Beta 1.2 for testing, and the website doesn't support it yet.
I cannot open scratch 1.1, therefore, I cannot upload any projects to the website.
As far as I know the website does support the Scratch 1.2 beta, and you can upload projects with the beta version, too. If you prefer the stable 1.1 version, you can just reinstall it over the beta, and everything should be fine.
The pinball game that my son and I wrote is v1.2 beta, and it runs fine on the website:
Oh, thanks. But I already came up with a solution, to use my brother's computer. It has 1.1, but not 1.2. I know he will let me use it.
Lanie624 wrote:
Happy Thanksgiving Crank_INC
Greatdane wrote:
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!