Hi. I have some suggestions for your awesome Pong project.
Firstly, I have some ideas for sprites. Well, you could make a title screen with the options: "play" and "choose ball design". Then you could make different ball sprites and when you click the button of the design you want, your ball will wear that design throughout the whole game. Here is a list of designs you make for the ball:
1. Smiley face
2. Rainbow
3. A picture of Scratch cat
4. Swirly pattern with lots of different colours
5. Picture of electric guitar
And you could think of lots more if you're creative!
Secondly, if you added different backgrounds to your game, it would look like cool new worlds and levels. Here is a list of backgrounds you could paint or upload from Scratch's files:
1. Moon (Included in Scratch)
2. Beach
3. Space
4. Kitchen (Included in Scratch)
5. Bedroom (Included in Scratch)
6. A rainbow coloured background with the Scratch cat in the center
I hope these suggestions were helpful! Good luck with your project!
Happy Scratch-ing!