I work with some 10-12 yr old boys in an after school program...we just started using Scratch and they LOVE it. I am wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of useful math/logic curriculum or worksheets that would help their skills in Scratch. We usually begin our program with time for homework and I would love if what they work on for that time could help them in Scratch.
Well if you have laptops for everone you could give them math problems and they would have to figure it out with the scratch blocks.
<say[the problem written in scratch blocks ]for( )secs>
<say[ the answer ]for( )secs>
This could help with scratch in trying to get formulas to make things do certain things
I made this game to help new Scratchers learn about X and Y coordinates: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/PebblesRox/384375 My sister is in sixth grade and she hasn't really learned about graphs and coordinate planes, so she had trouble remembering which direction was X and which was Y and so on. Maybe your students would enjoy it and it would help them learn how to move objects around.