u have a script just like the big pieces of terrain for the sprite you want on the certain part and then u just change the scrollx + ____ to wherever you want the sprite to be
Dear Scratch Users, I'm done with scratch, or at least making projects. I have made one last big game, thats both fun and teaches a lesson about water. It'd mean a lot if you gave me feedback. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/bosox397/569201
Dear Scratch Users, I'm done with scratch, or at least making projects. I have made one last big game, thats both fun and teaches a lesson about water. It'd mean a lot if you gave me feedback. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/bosox397/569201
Dear Scratch Users, I'm done with scratch, or at least making projects. I have made one last big game, thats both fun and teaches a lesson about water. It'd mean a lot if you gave me feedback. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/bosox397/569201