An animated knight explores a town in 3rd person Isometric 3D.
Click on the screen - the knight walks to the cursor.
Press space - the knight stops and attacks.
Click on a green arrow - the knight walks to it and goes to the next screen in that direction.
The scenery is all on the stage. In order to make some things block movement, a sprite is used for anything that cannot be walked through, such as buildings or rivers. This sprite is a grey "mask" of the impassable objects on the terrain, overlaid on the stage and then set to ghost effect 99 so the player cannot see it. That way, we can tell the knight not to walk through things by using sprite detection. (If touching sprite...)
The background and masking sprite change costume according to a number based on a 10 by 10 grid. EG when on row 1 and in column 7, both switch to costume 17. Rows are numbered 0-9 from top to bottom, columns are numbered 1-10 left to right.
I'm extremely pleased with the programming for the arrows that let you move from scene to scene. Instead of the arrows having to tell whether they should appear in this scene by cross-referencing with numbers (a massive task), they simply check to see if there is a wall or building etc in the way on their side of the screen. If there is, they hide, as that direction is blocked so they are not needed.
I have added some harmless zombies that lurch towards the knight. In the future I shall add some sort of combat system so that you can hit them - and they can hit you...
This is a graphics showcase more than anything. The knight animations alone require 120 costumes! (8 for walking, 1 for standing, 6 for attacking is 15, then multiply that by 8 directions!) The background and the scenery sprite use 100 costumes each to give the knight 100 screens to explore.
Isometric animated knight sprites and scenery from:
Last edited by Mayhem (2007-08-17 17:34:42)
You. are a genius.
I was thinking about making a game in episodes. Level one is one upload, level two one upload, and so on. At the end of each level you get a password that you need to play the next level. I don't know if Scratch supports written input, so I thought the password could be a connect the right dots pictogram.
Just an update:
Wandering Knight now has all 100 areas online for you perusal and pleasure!
If I'd known how much work this was going to be, I might never have started!
I have also populated the town with zombies, but at the moment they neither harm nor hinder you. Nor can you harm them. They just home in on you, and are not very bright.
For now, just enjoy the exploration.
See if you can you find:
All four gates,
All four markets,
The town square,
The ornate church (and cemetary),
The chapel,
The shrine,
The temple,
The taverns ( think there is 3, I may have lost count),
The hotel,
The watermill,
The carpenters,
The blacksmiths,
Both barracks,
The wheatfields,
The farm.
I'll be working next on adding in the required combat scripts so you can bash the zombies.
If you want to see different monsters other than zombies then feel free to download one of the sprite collections from Riener's Tilesets and clean it up for incorportion into the game. Otherwise its going to be Blue Knight vs Zombies
Last edited by Mayhem (2007-08-17 14:14:20)
Any chance that you could post a link or something to a full map of what you've done, so we can get a better feel for the massive scope this game takes?
Good idea
It's rather large, obviously, being 10 x 10 "scratch-screens".
The map also doesn't have the "grass" on it.
I'm thinking about a quest style game, where the zombies can be temporarily beaten down but always get up again (saves having to keep track of individual zombies, I can just reset them on every scene change), where you have to go from place to place looking for various items you need to get rid of them for good.
It would be pretty simplistic, but might be fun.
Last edited by Mayhem (2007-08-17 16:15:33)
BTW - if it seems to take a long time to load, try downloading it and running it offline, in presentation mode
I've added the ability to hit the zombie. No spcial effects, just whack it and it vanishes. it will always return if you come back to the area.
As yet, the zombies cannot harm you.
I'm loathe to do much more to this until get home in 2 weeks time, where I have the full uncompressed version to work on. Then I'll experiment with different amounts of compression, see size I can get te efile down to without losing too much graphics quality
This project gets better and more complex all the time! It's IMHO the most impressive demonstration of Scratch's gaming capabilities to date, it also - sadly - tends to hang up my old computer (the java module) sometimes when I load it. You seem to be hitting the upload size limit. I feel, you should be allowed to exceed that limit in order to add whatever you think should be added to your project. Any button I can press to vote for a singular exception for a unique project?(!)
When I get home, I'm going to try compressing the images more - at teh nmoment, they are at 50%. The backgfround costumes are by far the largest component of the large file size, so some additional compression should help.