The average number of posts per user is 1.9882208392318170891316541574294
The average number of scripts per project is 25.200309141971858884117742768412
The average number of projects per user is 1.3951461676634886796549614101577
(as of 10:35 GMT-7 on December 25, 2008)
wow! I was suprised by the average number of projects per user. I would have thought it would be higher.
herey wrote:
wow! I was suprised by the average number of projects per user. I would have thought it would be higher.
Well, that number is for all of the users that ever signed up but 80% of them never created a single project. Of the 44,780 users that actually uploaded at least one project, the average is 6.3234926...
Zelda123 wrote:
herey wrote:
wow! I was suprised by the average number of projects per user. I would have thought it would be higher.
Well, that number is for all of the users that ever signed up but 80% of them never created a single project. Of the 44,780 users that actually uploaded at least one project, the average is 6.3234926...
oh, that's interesting!
That's really interesting. How do u know all this?