I think when a new version of scratch comes out that we should make a easier way to scroll. i have been looking for games that explain how to put they are all to different and confusing. I mean if the sample team could respond to me in high detail i will be happy but other than that we need a easier way.
One possibility might be infinately long sprites, but I don't think thats really reasonable
presgore wrote:
I think when a new version of scratch comes out that we should make a easier way to scroll. i have been looking for games that explain how to put they are all to different and confusing. I mean if the sample team could respond to me in high detail i will be happy but other than that we need a easier way.
All you need is 1 variable (scrollX) and have that change instead of your position... ah, I guess it does need practice. Don't try for complicated techniques before you have tried basic scripts. (EXAMPLE (for a sprite): forever [blocks]<set[ color ]effect to( <mouse x>[/blocks])
I think this would be helpful but it is low on scratch's to do list.
have a look at This. its helped people before!