I will be making a podcast about scratch in school.
The podcast is now up and here is the link to my classes podcasts: http://conem4.wikispaces.com/Mrs.+Hersey%27s+Class
Episode 1/2: http://silver.emerson.u98.k12.me.us:16080/StaffWebPages/gueststaff/Scratch%20Podcast.mp3
I will have special guests like auntieandaustin*, westernbay**, and possibly Paddle2see.
If you want to advritise follow the instructions below.
The Steps To Advritising:
1. Record yourself saying the ad in scratch
2. Upload the project with the name: (yourusername)~ad
3. Put the project in this gallery: http://scratch.mit.edu/galleries/view/36314
4. When I use the ad I will delete the project from the gallery
* http://scratch.mit.edu/users/auntieandaustin
** http://scratch.mit.edu/users/westernbay
Last edited by bendad (2008-12-18 19:17:01)