I know what you're thinking. "Not ANOTHER Zombie game! Jeez! Get over that Zombie-****, already! Seriously! Jeez!"
But please stay a little longer and read what I have to write. ^^
Z-Apocalypse is not your standard Anti_Zombie shooter. In fact it's better not to shoot a Zed, when you meet one, than to kill it. "Why?" you may ask. Because Ammo is rare. So you might have figured it out already: This is a Zombie-Survival-Horror-Game or rather: It will be. It's still in Alpha, but many parts of the game are already working. It's already fully playable but includes only two maps.
Things that work already:
Main Menu
Settings Menu (Mobsize and Zombie-Speed)
Choice of character
Melee and Ranged attacks
Random ZSpawn
Ammo and Reloading
Please give it a try and give me some feedback. And I'm talking about honest but constructive criticism here.
You can play v.0.08 here: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Nichtschwert/350211
Also, please point out any grammatical errors or other language-related goofs, you might come across. Since English isn't my mother-tongue, I tend to make mistakes. ^^
Have fun playing. (And check out the death screens too. >:3)
In case anyone cares:
Version 0.09 is here. NOW it feels like a game. xD
Just finished v.0.1
Still Alpha... Constructive Criticism appreciated and, in fact, needed!