Well this Idea was actually from the Runescape Forums, but maybe we could have a section called "Forum Games". We could do "Count to 50 before a mod posts", "Type with your _____", or forum art like this:
,--. () \ / \ _/______\_ (__________) (/ @ @ \) (`._,()._,') ( `-'`-' ) \ / \,,,,,,/
Santa Clause! What do you think?
88 d8b .d8888b. .d8888b. 888 Y8P d88P Y88b d88P Y88b 888 888 888 888 888 888 .d8888b 8888b. 888d888 888 .d88b. 888d888b. .d88P 888 888 888 d88P" "88b 888P" 888 d88""88b 888P "Y88b .od888P" 888 888 888 888 .d888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 d88P" 888 Y88b 888 Y88b. 888 888 888 888 Y88..88P Y88b d88P 888" 88888888 "Y88888 "Y8888P "Y888888 888 888 "Y88P" "Y8888P" 888888888 d888 d8888 888 888 888 888 888 8888888
_ ___ __ ___ | |__ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ | __> /. | | __| | / // ._>| '_>/ . \| '_>/ . \| . \/_ .|`__ \ |_\_\\___.|_| \___/|_| \___/`___/ |_| |___/
I got names. http://www.network-science.de/ascii/
Last edited by keroro645 (2008-12-07 20:27:35)
keroro645 wrote:
88 d8b .d8888b. .d8888b. 888 Y8P d88P Y88b d88P Y88b 888 888 888 888 888 888 .d8888b 8888b. 888d888 888 .d88b. 888d888b. .d88P 888 888 888 d88P" "88b 888P" 888 d88""88b 888P "Y88b .od888P" 888 888 888 888 .d888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 d88P" 888 Y88b 888 Y88b. 888 888 888 888 Y88..88P Y88b d88P 888" 88888888 "Y88888 "Y8888P "Y888888 888 888 "Y88P" "Y8888P" 888888888 d888 d8888 888 888 888 888 888 8888888Code:
_ ___ __ ___ | |__ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ | __> /. | | __| | / // ._>| '_>/ . \| '_>/ . \| . \/_ .|`__ \ |_\_\\___.|_| \___/|_| \___/`___/ |_| |___/I got names. http://www.network-science.de/ascii/
Cool...I used another website. For just finding some picture (some innapropriate) I go to www.chris.com/ascii/ (not my website) and for just getting good text (maybe over 100 fonts) big and stuff like you did, I go to http://patorjk.com/software/taag/
____ o8%8888, o88%8888888. 8'- -:8888b 8' 8888 d8.-=. ,==-.:888b >8 `~` :`~' d8888 88 ,88888 88b. `-~ ':88888 888b ~==~ .:88888 88888o--:':::8888 `88888| :::' 8888b 8888^^' 8888b d888 ,%888b. d88% %%%8--'-. /88:.__ , _%-' --- - '''::===..-' = --. `
Tried to spell yes! but something went horribly wrong.
I don't think they would allow this because they also won't allow a random forum
Buddy_ca111 wrote:
I don't think they would allow this because they also won't allow a random forum
People have already started to do this kind of thing in Inspiration and More which is being used like a Random Forum.