I have finally figured a good way to move without sliding but with math.(I'm not that smart but I am smart for a kid)
Here are the scripts:
<when green flag clicked>
<if><key[ right arrow ]pressed?>
<change x by( sin of 30
<if><key[ left arrow ]pressed?>
<change x by( sin of -30
<if><key[ space ]pressed?>
<repeat( 20
<if><key[right arrow ]pressed?>
<change x by( sin of 30
<if><key[left arrow ]pressed?>
<change x by( sin of -30
<change y by( sin of 30
<wait( 0.001 )secs>
<wait( 0.1 )secs>
<repeat( 20
<if><key[ right arrow ]pressed?>
<change x by( sin of 30
<if><key[ left arrow ]pressed?>
<change x by( sin of -30
<change y by( sin of -30
pretty good hey?
Last edited by bart9032 (2008-12-06 03:59:28)
You should use it in a game to show us how it works.
There is not point in using trig for this. Just put numbers in the x and y blocks.
archmage wrote:
There is not point in using trig for this. Just put numbers in the x and y blocks.
archmage, it doesn't matter if you use trig or not. I was experimenting with trig and my dad helped me out a bit