Banned use of the Pen commands and limited use of movement commands
Modified costumes
Modified scripts - please download new "base robots".
Robots now take damage if they leave the screen.
"Arena Walls" slightly modified.
Your challenge is to script a bot that when placed in an arena with another bot, will drain all its health before all of your bots health is drained.
Health is drained by the orange sensor touching the enemy bots yellow sensor.
Download the file, and rename "Playerbot" to your name and put your name in the "I belong to... "say" block. Then write scripts for your bot that will enable it to hunt down the enemy bot whilst avoiding health loss.
Then rename the file with your name, and upload it to the robot battles gallery:
You may continue to ammend the bot's script until I begin the first round of robot vs robot battles, (date to be arrannged), at which point I will randomly choose elimination match-ups, and import 2 of your sprites into a single project to see which one comes out on top in a "best of 3" match.
The robot comes with three scripts and one variable (health), and two costumes.
You may not alter any of these, except to add your name to the initial say box.
No script that you create can interfere with the variable "Health" or with the running of the three initial scripts.
All scripts must be contained on the one sprite.
Only one entry per round.
You may only use:
Step size (or the variable controlling it) must remain between 30 and -30 steps, inclusive.
TURN [ ] DEGREES (either direction)
and the three variables: (X POSITION) (Y POSITION) (DIRECTION)
You may not use any blocks from these menus.
You may use any of these, though any requiring user input would be pointless.
SPECIAL: A "GREEN FLAG" block must be followed by a "WAIT 2 SECONDS" block.
You may use any of these, EXCLUDING "RESET TIMER".
Note however that any requiring user input would be pointless, as would any requiring the name of the opposing sprite.
You may use any of these
You may use any of these, but any variable must be for "this sprite only"
Let me know if you think we need any other rules.
Practice-bot is there for you to test your design on. He's not brilliantly smart, but should provide a sufficiently moving target for you to practice against. If your Bot can't beat Practice-bot, you are not going to get very far!
Last edited by Mayhem (2007-08-05 10:40:07)
Playerbot doesn't come with a movement script apart from the one that assigns it to a random empty space when you press Green flag.
Try copying the 4th script down from Practicebot to Playerbot and start modifying it :-)
Practicebot seems to have have 2 health reduction scripts - is this a bug?
Last edited by SimpleScratch (2007-08-04 18:31:13)
IMHO I think it would be a lot easier on the coding if the bots did not have a black edge to them - would you consider removing the black except for where strictly necessary e.g to join the outlying extremities to the main body
Me again :-)
When battle is finished its hard to tell which bot has won!
(not obvious which health score is which)
How about making a third costume that shows which bot had been drained.
I want to play!
Yay! My robot can rarely be damaged
Last edited by AngelEyra (2007-08-04 19:27:28)
1) S65 - see simplescratch's response. Playerbot has no movement script, it is up to you to create one. That's pretty much the essence of the competition, in fact.
2) If practicebot has two identical scripts, that is indeed a bug.
3) Vis the black outlines, I was planning to add black edging to the arena and make it a rule that all bots must be scripted to not allow black to pass through black, so they can't go off screen and can't pass through each others bodies.
I'll keep the colour-coding on the walls as well as a black border as it will give a bot some idea of where it is, possibly.
4) good idea about the costume, but to keep it even simpler I'll just hide the loser
Oops! I misread the rules. Time to return to working
Re 2)
"if 2 identical scripts - indeed a bug" ???
I think something has been lost in translation. :-)
In the version I've downloaded, there are 2 health reduction scripts - one of which has a broadcast endbattle at end of loop - other doesn't.
Are you saying this is deliberate - if so - could you explain the need for the 2 scripts please :-)
3) Black outlines
I'll try to make a better case :-)
With the different coloured sectors and parts - you've made it possible to detect the relative angles of the bots to each other but the black boundary around all the parts of the bots just gets in the way of this detection and increase the coding complexity .
New suggestions
Start bots off further apart - preferably in mirror image positions and directions (with slight random element to prevent automatic knowledge of others position) so as to prevent any advantage in a tournament due to initial start position.
I also feel that movements/direction changes should be limited otherwise bots will be able to do completely unrealistic movements which would not make for good viewing :-)
I think that what you might need is a system of people being able to get their bots to you privately so you can decide whether you need to modify your rules - if people post their bots publicly long before closing date/time then I think others might "borrow" them :-)
I've ammended the base costumes and scripts to address some of SimpleScratch's concerns, so any players will need to download the scripts again.
Vis the public posting, I think what I may do is announce the entry cut-off, and from that point after 48 hours the competion will begin - during those 48 hours only minor script ammendments will be allowed. So everyone will have a chance to see the competetion and ammend their scripts a little.
Ideally, it would be nice to have peopel email me the sprites directly, but I don't want to post my email address on a public forum.
You could create a hotmail account and just use that for the tournament - (I'll set one up for you if you'd like to save you effort :-) )
Rule clarification is a lot better (I'd used point in direction myself - hadn't thought of not knowing opposition name :-( )
I still feel that being not restricting max movement will cause issues :-(
Last edited by SimpleScratch (2007-08-05 11:15:19)
I think I see where you are coming from.
Speed should be a maximum of 1/2 a body length, I reckon - so 30.
But bear in mind a robot moving faster than speed 10, say, will find it extremely difficult to actually score a hit, since its attack sensor will probabaly skip right over the top of the enemy's target zone in a single move.
Last edited by Mayhem (2007-08-05 09:43:01)
Bot coding proceeding but I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the "colour xxx over yyy" block :-(
I've come to the conclusion that it means if any of the sprite's pixel of colour x is on top of (or underneath!) any pixel colour y of another sprite then result is true otherwise its false.
But am I right????
Last edited by SimpleScratch (2007-08-06 14:42:45)
SimpleScratch wrote:
Bot coding proceeding but I'm having a bit of trouble understanding the "colour xxx over yyy" block :-(
I've come to the conclusion that it means if any of the sprite's pixel of colour x is on top of (or underneath!) any pixel colour y of another sprite then result is true otherwise its false.
But am I right????
Yes, you're right.
By the way Mayhem, can we use "change x by " and "change y by " blocks? And if not, why?
Last edited by _Dragon_MC_ (2007-08-06 15:48:55)
Aw man, why can't we make our bots play any sounds??
I made a bot that always tied practice bot.
_Dragon_MC_ wrote:
By the way Mayhem, can we use "change x by " and "change y by " blocks? And if not, why?
No, because I want robots limited to moving forwards and backwards, and rotating, only.
Wow this is a great idea, an AI programming tournament! The possibilities are endless. I have been thinking of how to make a bot that will never get hit by the pratice bot and I'll code it up if I get enough time on the computer. Also if you want to battle a certain bot you should check it's code and see if there are any programming flaws you can exploit.
I looked a bit closer at the rules a I saw you don't allow distance to or point to target. I realize that it would take a bit longer for you to switch all the targets but really without being able to gather any data on your opponent the best most people can do would be to make a bot that wonderers around aimlessly until it hits it's target. If you allowed distance to and point to blocks people could make their bots look like they are trying to hunt the other bot down instead of just wandering. So please loosen up the rules just a little bit
PS: There might be other ways to judge robots. You could put the user in control of a little player who tries to shoot down the diffrent kinds of robots and the robot project with the most love it's wins.
Last edited by archmage (2007-08-08 02:33:55)
although it seems hard at first - if you look at the PracticeBot script, you can see how a bot can find another one and turn towards it.
As a first step, try using the script from PracticeBot and modifying it so your bot can beat PracticeBot.
(Hint work out how to retreat when taking damage!)
Archmage - at short range there are ways for your bot to sense the enemy. The intellignece of its patrol route when not sensing an enemy and its behavior when it does, are the programming challenges of the game.
Checking the code of a specific enemy and programming to exploit it may not be such a good tactic, as in the heats you may not battle that bot.
Last edited by Mayhem (2007-08-08 04:13:51)
We have yet to have a robot submitted that meets the rules - although in fairness the first two were submitted before the rules were finalised.
Come on folks, lets have some more entries!