Hey scratchers!
I thought up of a New method of stopping the character moving into certain objects on the map, and move away IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION from the object and stop the sprite that is moving, from cementing.
I used masks. I got the original map copied it 4 times, then deleted everything and left the side of the object I want it to bounce off. So if it touches that mask, it bounces off to the right and the other mask it bounces off to the left.
Download and you will see the sprites
and I will be happy to let people use my method...
I dunno if anyone has created this method, but if you have already, i didn't see sorry, and you are smart and logical XD
Last edited by SImniel (2008-11-21 23:31:47)
You should really only need one mask layer for your map, you just need to code it properly. Like this sort of.
//on player sprite
set oldX xposition
set oldY yposition
//put all your movement codes here
if touching (maskLayer){
go to x:oldX y:oldY
The best way to go for a pokemon game would be a tile based system. The maps take up a ton of file space and using tiles and arrays would greatly reduce the file size for large maps.