Okay, I have seen a lot of "how did you make that sprite?" comments. And often the answer was "Using the gradient tool." Is this a Scratch paint editor app, or do people export their sprites from a dedicated editor? Just like to know. Thanks.
it is made using the scratch paint editor. You know how you can select 2 colours at one time by clicking on the 2 blocks that are over each other. have one, lets say black, and the other one, lets say dark-ish blue. now click on the paint can tool, and you will see just below all the tools, but above the colours pannel are 4 diffrent little sqaures. the one on the far left is solid, its the standered on colour paint filler. to its right is a gradient tool going from right to left, to the right of that is a gradient going from up to down, and on the far right is a radial tool. just click on one of them and fill in the paint!